Techno-Pedagogy Workshop for Language Teachers (I) - Bengaluru North - September 2024

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Program Overview

With the key objective of enriching students’ language learning experiences by leveraging the power of storytelling as a pedagogical tool along with the newer possibilities that the digital medium offers, the Department of State Educational Research and Training (DSERT) and the Colleges of Teacher Education (CTEs) across Karnataka collaborated with IT for Change to pilot the program ‘Integrating Digital Story-Based Pedagogy in Language Education’ during 2023-24. The program has been designed to aid the process of language teaching-learning and as a result, students’ educational outcomes by focusing on teachers’ professional development (TPD). In year 1, the focus was primarily on building capacities of teachers to create audio resources. Over 200 high-quality audio stories have been produced in Kannada, English, Urdu and Marathi languages and are published as Open Educational Resources for teachers across the state.

The 2024-25 phase of the program aims to focus on enabling classroom level implementation through techno-pedagogy workshops and school level support. It also aims to study the implementation of digital story-based pedagogy in classrooms in order to understand the effectiveness of the methods, successes and challenges of teachers, and identify aspects requiring improvement and redesign.

In the academic year 2024-25, IT for Change plans to collaborate with the District Institute of Education and Training (DIET), Bengaluru North to support the implementation of the program in Government Urdu Higher Primary Schools and study the role of the program in developing language competencies of students.

The planned approach is to mainly work with Cluster Resource Persons (CRPs) who can support classroom implementation in two blocks in the district. Workshops will be conducted with the CRPs and teachers where aspects related to using digital story-based pedagogy in language teaching will be discussed. This workshop will be the first of 4 in-person workshops with teachers.

Workshop Objectives

  • To familiarize the teachers with the TPD program for the academic year
  • To help teachers access and make use of available repositories for audio stories as Open Educational Resources (OERs) and to introduce FOSS tools for facilitating their academic tasks and processes
  • To develop teachers' skills in creating and utilizing contextual digital audio stories to address students' language learning needs
  • To train teachers in using multilingual, inclusive, and constructivist pedagogies in language teaching
  • To introduce and encourage participation in Communities of Practice (CoPs) for peer learning, mentoring, and continuous professional development.

Participant Survey Form

Form Link:


Time Session Name Description/Topics Resources
Day 1 10:00 to 10:45 AM Introduction and broad overview 1. Developing a broader understanding of the program;

2. Brief recap of work done in KLEAP and TIEE programs

Slide-deck on IT for Change's work
10:45 to 11:45 AM Participant Questionnaire 1. Overview of the research planned

2. Participants to fill the form shared

Google Form for Participants
11:45 AM to 12:00 PM TEA BREAK
12:00 to 1:00 PM Scope and setting expectations Rationale behind the TPD program and its components; expectations from participants 1. Slides on TPCK and Storytelling;
1:00 to 2:00 PM LUNCH
2:00 to 3:30 PM Listening Skills for Language Teaching and demo session on storytelling as pedagogy using audio resources 1. Immersive demo session including TPR, pre-listening, during and post-listening activities;

2. Discussion on story-based pedagogy (for overall literacy and language skills), why techno-pedagogy is essential

1. Storyweaver story repository;

2. Activity Page on A Cloud of Trash

3:30 to 4:30 PM Kathe Khajane Exploration Installation and hands-on exploration of the app 1. AntennaPod installation video


4:30 to 5:00 PM Wrap up for the day 1. Summing up the day,

2. Collecting Feedback,

3. Sharing instructions for the next day

Day 2 10:00 to 10:45 AM Deconstructing myths related to language learning and rethinking pedagogy (BICS and CALP) 1. Activity based engagement

2. Exploring myths related to language learning

Session Slides

Challenges in Language Teaching

Myths of Language Teaching

Challenges, Myths (Urdu)

Video on Myths related to Language Learning

10:45 to 11:30 AM Using Graphic Organisers for Revision 1. Discussion on revision strategies

2. Hands-on exploration of Mindomo app

Mindmap on Revision Strategies and Activities;

Slides on Revision Strategies and Graphic Organisers

11:30 to 11:45 AM TEA BREAK
11:45 AM to 1:00 PM Revision strategies, Group activity & plenary 1. Group/ pair work to reflect on and design revision activities

2. Sharing and discussion in plenary on activities created

1:00 to 2:00 PM LUNCH
2:00 to 3:30 PM Implementation action planning (COP) Discussions on:

1. Academic Needs/Support required by teachers;

2. Creation of a COP plan

3:30 to 5:00 PM Feedback and the way forward 1. Recap and way forward

2. Feedback form to be filled by participants

3. Agenda for upcoming Online Session

Additional Resources

Language Teaching Resources (PK, CK)

  1. Challenges, Myths (Urdu)
  2. Challenges in Language Teaching
  3. Myths of Language Teaching
  4. Video on Myths related to Language Learning

Technology Resources (TK)

  1. Buy a useful ICT devices for the school
  2. Toolkit for CRPs and teachers to use ICT devices

Workshop Feedback

Click here to open and fill the workshop feedback form