Teachers Community of Learning Bangalore South Block 3 Maths Workshop 3 2014 15

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Workshop III

Date: September 22, 2014

Experiences from Workshop 2

Outcomes from the workshop

  1. Practice with Geogebra
  2. Use of sliders, input parameters to create Geogebra animations
  3. Use of Geogebra for formulating activities for assessment (zeroes of a polynomial)
  4. Understanding of how to build algebraic skills (using spreadsheet)

Outcomes vs objectives of the workshop

  1. Teachers were introduced to more systematic use of Geogebra
  2. Use of Geogebra for formulating activities
  3. Use of spreadsheet and an introduction to basics of algebra

Feedback from Workshop 2

  1. More practice time with Geogebra/ hands-on activities
  2. More practice with internet
  3. Difficulty with use of Geogebra (due to mouse issues)
  4. Workshop started late and hence limited time
  5. Less hands on time for framing activities

Objectives of the third workshop and Agenda

  1. Geogebra introduction and use - extension of lessons from last workshop
  2. Classroom transaction ideas to focus on conceptual learning
  3. refer the TCOL wiki

Agenda for Workshop 3

9.30 – 10.00 Agenda and introduction to workshop
10.00 – 1.00
  • Demonstration of slider, text, animation in Geogebra
  • Construct/ animate alongwith lesson questions
  • Show the Geogebra tutorials available for use
  • Practice time for creating specific lessons
  • Select textbook problems and use of Geogebra for solving/ discussion
1.45 – 4.45
  • Bridging conceptual gaps in Class 8 and I term units - lesson ideas
  • How to combine activities and teach
  • Presentation and lesson plans on Co-ordinate Geometry and Probability
4.45 – 5.00

Workshop discussions and resources

refer the TCOL wiki for mindmap of 'Maths teaching' and for discussions on algebraic expressions

Feedback and closing

  • Way forward and homework
  1. Challenges discussed in detail, common to all schools
  2. create school ids for sarah akbar
  3. take a class with actual students useful. was different kind of a workshop. how to look at teaching differently, so that children can find it useful
  4. seeing ranjani's question paper, how to make it differently
  5. if we can get more support from department, will be useful - can we get support from beo and diet. need for school level
  6. Q paper on koer
  7. sarah urdu
  8. spreadsheet and wiki
  9. hands on time was limited
  10. need flow chart kind of resource for all topics like ranjani did in morning
  1. 3 workshops can we consolidate
  2. also can we come prepared to the workshop, so we connect across workshops, need more holistic approach
  3. overall plan needed
  4. can have tcol group only for south 3 teachers