Process of narratives

We have been engaged over the past two days in narrating our experience of one QIP and also attempting to integrate the use of ICTs in this process. The process of oral narration has been fantastic and we now have audio recordings of all the QIPs.  

Of course all of us are struggling to put it down into writing/digitising. And yet I found that most people were intensely engaged in the process perhaps because the see a purpose to the engagement. The experience of sharing, explicitly articulating, reflecting on the questions, comments, suggestions of colleagues, and then putting it in a form that can be shared in the community, has been very exciting to watch. Looking forward to the next stepvery eagerly.

I would love to see how we are able to connect the narratives to some of the assumptions/hypotheses/ideas that we started off with when we conceptualised the QIPs. That would provideman pointers to how we can enhance the effectiveness of designs for 'interventions' that are planned.