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===Notes for teachers===
===Notes for teachers===
Decentralisation is the empowerment of the peripheries and hence to be seen as a spectrum. The powers of the central government being devolved to state governments is decentralisation. So is the devolution of powers from state governments to local governments. The recent processes of the PRI legislation and programmes like MNREGS which have provided significant funds to gram panchayats have been a support to decentralisation in India. Yet lot more needs to be done, to make decentralisation real, rather than just on paper
Decentralisation is the empowerment of the peripheries and hence to be seen as a spectrum. The powers of the central government being devolved to state governments is decentralisation. So is the devolution of powers from state governments to local governments. The recent processes of the PRI legislation and programmes like MNREGS which have provided significant funds to gram panchayats have been a support to decentralisation in India. Yet lot more needs to be done, to make decentralisation real, rather than just on paper.
Karnataka has taken progressive steps to empower panchayats. The [ Abdul Nazeer Sab State Institute of Rural Development (ANSSIRD),Mysore] has conducted several training programmes to support panchayats. The institution is named after the late Minister for Rural Development, Sri Abdul Nazeer Sab, who worked hard to promote devolution of 'funds, functions and functionaries' to the panchayats.
In many sectors, parallel institutions of local participation, governance and accountability have been set up and gradually, these have also been linked with the panchayats, to make them more democratic. For instance, the 'School Development and Management Committees' setup now are linked to the [ gram panchayat] committe for civic amenities in Karnataka.


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