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==== Social science resources ====
==== Social science resources ====
Marble is a digital atlas. It can be used to explore physical geography of Earth.
[[The_Earth-Our_Living_Planet|Using a digital atlas to teach Class 8 - 'Earth - Our Living Planet']] , [http://karnatakaeducation.org.in/KOER/index.php/%E0%B2%AD%E0%B3%82%E0%B2%AE%E0%B2%BF_%E0%B2%A8%E0%B2%AE%E0%B3%8D%E0%B2%AE_%E0%B2%9C%E0%B3%80%E0%B2%B5%E0%B2%82%E0%B2%A4 ಭೂಮಿ ನಮ್ಮ ಜೀವಂತ]
= ಭೂಮಿ ನಮ್ಮ ಜೀವಂತ =
K Geography is a digital atlas for political geography. We can use it to see maps of different countries of the world
==== Technology help ====
==== Technology help ====

Revision as of 17:11, 24 July 2019

Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society (KREIS) is organizing an induction program for all teachers during 2019-20.

Objectives of the Master trainer’s Induction program

  1. To motivate the trainers and create awareness regarding the objectives of Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society (KREIS)
  2. To create awareness about National Curriculum Framework 2005 (NCF)
  3. To create awareness regarding the child protection and rights
  4. To create awareness regarding Importance, use and application of technology in classrooms and beyond!
  5. To enrich content based on National Curriculum Framework 2005 position papers (technology to be used)
  6. To introduce creative teaching methods, including through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
  7. To make them analyse and apply evaluation techniques
  8. To apply action research in a real time scenario


Date and Day Session Topic Resource Person Educational movie, reflection and resources
23/7/19 Morning

9.30-10 AM

10-12.30 PM


Welcome & sharing Vision of KREIS

Dr.Gururaj Karjagi

Director KREIS & Chairman

Dr.Gururaj Karjagi- ACT Academy



Pretest &


Mr Chethan


Educational Thoughts- Dr.Gururaj Karjagi
24/7/19 Morning

9.30-10 AM

10-1 PM

Reflections from previous day

Child protection & Rights

Dr. Niranjan Aradya/ Ms Shruti


Content enrichment based on NCF Position papers English-

Ms Uzma/ Dr.Ravinarayan -RIE

Social- Dr.Kalavathi.B.K



Emotional development- Dr Shyam Bhatt
25/7/19 10.00 – 10.30 Participants information

Going through the agenda.

Participant information
10.30 – 11.30 1. Professional Learning Communities as a method of TPD

2. Importance of FOSS in Education

3. Understanding of Internet as new methods of learning and accessing resource repositories.

4. Understanding of using OER resources in teaching and learning process

IT for Change team
  1. About OER
  2. Professional learning communities
11.45 – 12.45 (Split) ROOM 1. Use mobile phones for connecting world.

2. Common factors in both Mobile and computer

3. Use mobile browser to connect to world and for learning

4. Use browsers features like bookmarks, history and download features.

5. Go to list of resources websites (browse/download)

6. Install and uninstall applications

IT for Change team Learn FIrefox

Website :

12.45 – 1.30 (Split) ROOM 1. Install whats app and create MRPs group.

2. Use some useful applications

3. Whatsapp group communications / sharing. rules

IT for Change team - Dictonary

-- [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dictionary.kn&hl=en IN Eng - kan]

-- Eng - Hi

-- Kn to hindi

- E pathashala


- News hunt

- Camscanner

- Current Affairs 2019 General Knowledge Quiz

- Ruler and protector - for maths teachers

11.45 – 1.30 (Split) LAB 1. Demonstration of H5P resources for the language teaching

2. Demo of lesson by Marble to teach social science

3. Use simple Libre office Impress tool to prepare presentations resources for the class room teaching

IT for Change team
  1. Learn marble
  2. Learn H5P
  3. Learn Libreoffice Impress
2.30 – 3.30 (Split) LAB 1. Demo of lesson using geogebra files and geogebra app

2. Participants will go through the geogebra examplaries and play with it to get familiar

3. Share some geogebra repositories to find more files

IT for Change team Create Maths resources by using Geogebra
3.45 – 4.30 (Split) LAB 1. Demo of science lessons by using PHET tool.

2. Participants have to gro through the different PHET simulations and explore possibalities to use it for classroom

IT for Change team Use science simulation tool - PHET
2.30- 3.30 (Split) ROOM 1. Use mobile phones for connecting world.

2. Common factors in both Mobile and computer

3. Use mobile browser to connect to world and for learning

4. Use browsers features like bookmarks, history and download features.

5. Go to list of resources websites (browse/download)

6. Install and uninstall applications

IT for Change team Learn FIrefox

Website :

3.45 – 4.30 (Split) ROOM 1. Install whats app and create MRPs group.

2. Use some useful applications

3. Whatsapp group communications / sharing. rules

IT for Change team - Dictonary

-- Kannada 1 Kn

--Eng, Hi – Kn

-- Kn to hindi

- E pathashala


- News hunt

- Camscanner

- Current Affairs 2019 General Knowledge Quiz

- Ruler and protector - for maths teachers

4.30 – 5.00 District level program

Workshop feedback form

Educational Movie & Reflection – from KREIS

IT for Change team Participants feedback
26/7/19 Morning

9.30-10 AM

10-1 PM

Reflections from previous day

Creative methods-1 (general)

Mr. Vivekannada & Team



Creative methods )-2 (Subject wise) English- Ms.Uzma/

Dr.Ravinarayan- RIE

Social-Dr.Kalavathi. B.K

Science - Mr.Vivekannanda

Maths-Mr. Gururaj

DSERT Learning outcomes- Mr Gururaj- RIE
27/7/19 Morning

9.30 - 10 AM

10 - 1 PM

Reflections from previous day

Evaluation-HOTS & LOTS

SSLC Schema & classroom observation




  1. Action research proposal developed based on felt need
  2. Feedback & Post test
Mr.Chethan & Team Valedictory-


ICT and Education

English resources

  1. Digital Stories
    1. Shringeri Srinivas-
    2. The two mice-
  2. H5P links
    1. Script recognition lowercase
    2. script recognition uppercase
    3. script recognition lowercase phonetic
    4. script recognition uppercase phonetic https://teacher-network.in/?q=node/197 5
    5. Matching audio with pictures
    6. Matching audio with script letters
    7. Matching audio with script words
    8. Matching audio with script sentences
    9. See the picture and tell the word

Hindi resources

Kannada resources

Mathematics resources

Science resources

Social science resources

Marble is a digital atlas. It can be used to explore physical geography of Earth.

Using a digital atlas to teach Class 8 - 'Earth - Our Living Planet' , ಭೂಮಿ ನಮ್ಮ ಜೀವಂತ

ಭೂಮಿ ನಮ್ಮ ಜೀವಂತ

K Geography is a digital atlas for political geography. We can use it to see maps of different countries of the world

Technology help

  1. Teacher participants information
  2. Explore an application
  3. Teachers useful websites

Common resources

Education Readings

  1. National Curriculum Framework 2005 (NCF) and Position Papers
  2. Draft National Education Policy 2019 (NEP)

Pre and Post test information

  1. KREIS teachers' pretest question paper - English
  2. Participants information (ICT pre-test information)