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Revision as of 15:06, 30 December 2019

Minimal Pairs

Minimal pairs are pairs of words which differ in a single sound.They serve as a drill for practising sounds.

Minimal pairs involving consonant sounds:

/p/ /b/

pin-bin pear-bear pan-ban pail-bail
nip-bib tap-tab mop-mob lap-lab
/t/ /d/
tin-din tear-dare tall-doll ten-den
bat-bad seat-seed let-led tight-tide
/k/ /g/
key-ghee cot-got come-gum kill-gill
luck-lug lock-log dock-dog wick-wig
/f/ /v/
fan-van fail-veil fast-vast file-vile
leaf-leave life-live safe-save shelf-shelve
//v/ /w//
VOW-WOW vet-wet vile-while viper-wiper
/θ/ /ð/
/s/ /z/
sip-zip sue-zoo sink-zinc seal-zeal
bus-buzz price-prize lace-laze dose-doze
sip-ship so-show same-shame sin-shin
puss-push sass-lash mess-mesh lease-leash
char-jar choose-jews choke-joke
etch-edge batch-badge Lunch-lunge
/z/ /ʃ/
zip-ship zoo-shoe
was-wash whiz-wish

Minimal pairs involving vowel sounds:

/I/ /i:/
sit-seat bit-beat lick-leak fill-fel
/e/ /æ/
met-mat led-lad men-man shell-shall
full-fool pull-pool soot-suit
/ɔ/ /ɔ:/
cot-caught not-nought tot-taught
/æ/ /a:/
pat-part mat-mart cat-cart
pin-pen bid-bed bill-bell chick-check
/æ/ /ɜ:/
Fan - fern had-heard bad-bird jam-germ
/eɪ/ /aɪ/
fail-file main-mine lake-like late-light
/eɪ/ /ɔɪ/
bail-boil grain-groin paint-point ail-oil
/əʊ/ /aʊ/
whole-howl Rose-rouse thought-thou load-loud
/ʊə/ /ɪə/
poor-pier Tour-tier sure-sheer moor-mere

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