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==Math Formula==
==Math Formula==
==Uploading a Geogebra file on Geogebratube and embedding in KOER==
===Steps in uploading a Geogebra file===
#Create a Geogebratube ID; you must login to upload material
#On the toolbar, click on Upload Material
#Choose File (browse for files on your computer) and then click upload
#It will display a progress bar for upload
#Provide explanations as necessary for students
#You should add any questions you want to ask in worksheet for students
#Click on “Continue Uploading”
#It will display a progress bar for upload
#Enter Title of file
#Enter other information for other teachers
#Choose language, target Age
#Definitely add tags to help search for file better - eg., chord, tangent, multiplication, etc
#You can determine whether the file should be publicly available
#Save the file
=Creating pages and adding template=
=Creating pages and adding template=

Revision as of 12:57, 16 July 2014

Help on editing KOER

Basic editing

Entering Text

Just type in text or copy paste from your existing text file (.doc or .odt) into the wiki page

External Web link

When you want to link a page from outside the KOER website, (external link)
Syntax is as follows: Open Square Bracket,followed by the URL/web page address,followed by a space and then the description of the link.

eg [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nth_root Wikipedia Page for Surds] will read as Wikipedia Page for Surds
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nth_root - is the web link
Wikipedia Page for Surds - name of the link

Internal Web link

When you want to link a page from within the KOER website (internal link) Syntax is as follows
open DOUBLE Square Bracket,followed by the KOER page name (without http etc) ,followed by pipe and then the description of the link eg [[Surds | KOER Surds page]] will read as KOER Surds page
Surds is the name of the KOER page - http://karnatakaeducation.org.in/KOER/en/index.php/Surds
KOER Surds page is the name of the link

Advanced Editing

Inserting image

You can insert images in KOER. First open the web page with the image (picture) Right click on the image and select 'copy image URL' Then go to your KOER page

Syntax is:


will be seen as


(do paste of your image from clipboard after Image:)

Inserting image slide show

You can embed a Picassa (Google photos) image slide show in KOER Using your gmail id, create a photo album on picassa (http://picasaweb.google.com)

{{#widget:Picassa |user=<put your gmail id which with you have created the album> |album=<write your picassa album id here> |width=300 |height=200 |captions=1 |autoplay=1 |interval=5 }}


Inserting video

Youtube video can be embedded in KOER Video on Surds from Youtube

Syntax is:


will be seen as

If you want to make the video appear as thumbnail, then syntax is: {{#ev:youtube| o3gN9wI_w64| 150| left}}

Inserting mindmap

Syntax is: <mm>[[NAME OF THE MINDMAPFILE.mm|Flash]]</mm>

Inserting slides

  1. You can insert slides from a ODP, PDF, PPT files using slideshare.
  2. Upload your file on //www.slideshare.net/
  3. Click on share file and select the 'embed code'
  4. From the embed code,pick out a number string

Syntax in KOER is:

{{#widget:Iframe |url=http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/29378973 |width=450 |height=360 |border=1 }}

where 29378973 is the number string.

Inserting audio podcast

Math Formula


Uploading a Geogebra file on Geogebratube and embedding in KOER

Steps in uploading a Geogebra file

  1. Create a Geogebratube ID; you must login to upload material
  2. On the toolbar, click on Upload Material
  3. Choose File (browse for files on your computer) and then click upload
  4. It will display a progress bar for upload
  5. Provide explanations as necessary for students
  6. You should add any questions you want to ask in worksheet for students
  7. Click on “Continue Uploading”
  8. It will display a progress bar for upload
  9. Enter Title of file
  10. Enter other information for other teachers
  11. Choose language, target Age
  12. Definitely add tags to help search for file better - eg., chord, tangent, multiplication, etc
  13. You can determine whether the file should be publicly available
  14. Save the file

Creating pages and adding template

New page

To create a new page, type the following syntax in the address bar: http://karnatakaeducation.org.in/KOER/en/index.php/New_topic_to_be_created This will create a new topic page.

New actvity

To add an activity to the topic, a new page must be created for each activity. The convention for naming pages is as below.

While creating activity page, give page name as topic name_concept name_activity1
eg. Permutations_And_Combinations_permutations_activity1

ಹೊಸದಾಗಿ ಚಟುವಟಿಕೆ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಸೃಷ್ಠಿಸುವಾಗ, ಪುಟದ ಹೆಸರು_ಬೋಧನಾಂಶದ ಹೆಸರು_ಚಟುವಟಕೆ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ

To add template:

Once a page has been created, the content template must be added. The syntax is as follows:

Once an activity page has been created, the activity template must be added to each page.

The syntax is as follows: