Toer maths science workshop 2 day wise reports

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources

Day 1 Report

In morning Dr Vijaya Rao addressed the participants regarding the importance of the program. Than Resource person Ashok reviewed
previous workshop and explained the agenda of the II workshop.
In the 1st session,RP Ashok given a demo on GIMP
In this tool explained how to crop the images,adding text,Mixing photos,changing background,reducing the sizes and how to use different layers. And practice the participants.
RP Rajesh explained about the online GIMP tutorial.after practice session follows.
In second session RP Rajesh explained how to share photos and upload in google groups.
After lunch III session record my desktop demo was taken by Ashok sir. He explained the process of the record my desktop application—sound and video-- record my desktop-- start record and final save as.
All the participants practiced record my desktop on their subject.

Reported by
1st Group.

Day 2 Report

Day 3 Report

Day 4 Report

Day 5 Report