During-listening Activities

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What are During-listening Activities?

During-listening activities are tasks that students complete while they are listening to a story or passage. These activities help students stay focused, process information in real-time, and improve their comprehension. They encourage active engagement and help students practice important listening skills.

Why use During-listening Activities?

During-listening activities can be especially beneficial in the language classroom. Some key benefits of these activities are that they:

  1. Maintain Attention: Keeps students engaged and attentive throughout the listening task.
  2. Help Check Understanding: Allows teachers to monitor students' comprehension and provide immediate feedback.
  3. Encourage Active Listening: Helps students focus on key details and main ideas.
  4. Promote Critical Thinking: Encourages students to make inferences, predictions, and connections as they listen.
  5. Support Diverse Learning Styles: Incorporating various types of during-listening activities can cater to different learning preferences.

Examples of During-listening Activities

The following activities can be adapted to suit different proficiency levels and classroom contexts. Remember to start with simple tasks and gradually increase complexity as students become more comfortable.

S.No. Name of the Activity Activity Description Sample
1 Comprehension Questions Ask questions during pauses in the story to check understanding Example: Pause and ask, "What just happened? Why do you think the character do that?"
2 Predicting Students predict what will happen next at key points in the story Example: Pause and ask, "What do you think will happen next?"
3 Vocabulary Introduction Explain what students should listen for during the story Example: Introduce words like "forest," "lost," and "rescue" before listening to a story about an adventure in the jungle.
4 Setting a Purpose Give a series of directions for students to follow. Example: Tell students to listen for the main characters and the problem they face in the story.
5 Picture Walk Show pictures related to the story and discuss them with students. Example: Before listening to a story set in a city, show images of busy streets, buildings, and parks.

Related Activities and Pages

  1. Transacting audio resources in the classroom
  2. Total Physical Response (TPR) Activities
  3. Pre-listening Activities
  4. Post-Listening Activities