Telengana open educational resources

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources

About TOER

TOER Workshops

Objectives of the programme

  1. Technology integration in teaching learning
  2. Contextual resources that will support a teacher community
  3. Leveraging technology to build communities of learners
  4. Technology integrated TPD
  5. Technology integration in teaching learning for constructive possibilities and possibilities of inclusion
  6. Teachers become critical users of technology

Overview of the programme

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  1. See Sheet '1st Workshop' for Agenda of workshop
  2. Please fill participant information form

Participant profile

Use of computers and internet


Own ICT device


Use in teaching learning



Resource Book handed for participants.

See us at the workshop

List of resource topics

Maths and science topics selected

Way Forward

TOER Content


  1. Class 6-8 Mathematics resources
  2. Class 6-8 Science resources


Telugu language

Learn Telugu