Toer maths science workshop 2 day wise reports

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources

Day 1 Report

In morning Dr Vijaya Rao addressed the participants regarding the importance of the program. Than Resource person Ashok reviewed
previous workshop and explained the agenda of the II workshop.
In the 1st session,RP Ashok given a demo on GIMP
In this tool explained how to crop the images,adding text,Mixing photos,changing background,reducing the sizes and how to use different layers. And practice the participants.
RP Rajesh explained about the online GIMP tutorial.after practice session follows.
In second session RP Rajesh explained how to share photos and upload in google groups.
After lunch III session record my desktop demo was taken by Ashok sir. He explained the process of the record my desktop application—sound and video-- record my desktop-- start record and final save as.
All the participants practiced record my desktop on their subject.

Reported by
1st Group.

Day 2 Report

In the morning session started by Ashok sir, before that Ramaiah sir explained 1st day report what we learnt.

Then after ashok sir reviewed about tools which taught on previous day like Gimp, picassa,record my desktop.

After that the next session continued with Audacity. The audacity tools &uses taught by Rakesh sir deeply. Then we go for practice.

While practicing Additional state project director sri.Gopal reddy sir visit our workshop. All our parcipants are very glad & become energetic. Some of our parcipants like srinivas ,Nagaraju, Narender shows our project-work different types of Geogebra & phet simulations.

After one session continued by Rakesh sir along with Gopal reddy sir ,vijayarao sir about open shot video editing ,which was very intresting by using this one. We can able to make any type of videos merging with images so on.

Then after we left for lunch break.

After lunch break we met at lab and practiced open shot video editing and audacity with different types of tools explained by Ranjani madam and team.

In the final session we learnt one more intresting tool called Turtle art taken by ashok sir. The parcipants enthusiastically practiced the whole session.

Thank you...

presented by

Maths 2 group

Day 3 Report

DAY -3 (18/3/2015) :

Day 3 was started by 8:45 am Ashok was projected the today's agenda and Ranjani will also explained the agenda items.

  • practice with video/audio usage ,make a mind map for a topic.
  • what are the concept?
  • how to teach?
  • what resources do I need?

10:30am – 1:30pm:

in this session a useful discussions are happened .the following are the discussed items

  • about mind map
  • about academic standards
  • learning objectives
  • teaching notes
  • unit plan templet as prescribed by our SCERT
  • finally Guru sir made some suggestions that we need a templet based on unit or based on topic .All the participants are participated in discussions in a positive way.

2:00pm- 3pm: Ranjani madam presented a model demonistration on energy sources using multiple resources.she also suggested it is better to prepare a templet based on concept.
3pm- 6:30pm : participants are utilised time for preparing model plan for their topic.

                                                                                                      / PRESENTED BY/

Day 4 Report


Morning session started with 3rd day report by M3 Group. Then Ashok and Rakesh explained the todays timetable. And all the participants agreed with the timetable. After the session all the participants were started to prepare the lessons as per the template accepted by all. All the team Rakesh , Ashok, Nandish, Satyanarayana and Naveen helped the participants on their doubts regarding technical issues. After the tea break the participants groups were started presenting their Lessons. A healthy discussions were took place among them. A valuable feedback, suggestions were given to them by other participants and Guru and Ranajani. After the lunch break also the same continued and the Groups were presented their lessons with very enthusiastically. And their problems with technical issues were discussed and the solutions were given by the technical team. Thus the 4th day session completed successfully.

Report by

D. Nagaraju,
K. Balaji,
V. Prashanthkumar.

Day 5 Report