Introduction to equations

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Teaching Outlines

Concept #1 Data Patterns

  1. Recognise a pattern in the set of data(in this class a set of coordinates)
  2. Recognise the variation(proportion/nonproportion)
  3. Explore the possibility of having different patterns
  4. Understand that every number pattern can be represented on the graph

Learning objectives

Notes for teachers

Activity No #

  • Materials/ Resources needed
  • Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
  • Multimedia resources
  • Website interactives/ links/ / Geogebra Applets
  • Process/ Developmental Questions
  • Evaluation
  • Question Corner

Concept #2 : Generalizing equations from data patterns

Learning objectives

  1. Establish/Guess the relationship between the set of coordinates
  2. Recognise varying and constant terms
  3. Recognise dependency of one varible with the other
  4. Establishing the relationship between a variable and a constant
  5. Generalise the relationship and expressing symbolically

Notes for teachers

Activity No #

  • Materials/ Resources needed
  • Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
  • Multimedia resources
  • Website interactives/ links/ / Geogebra Applets
  • Process/ Developmental Questions
  • Evaluation
  • Question Corner

Concept #3 : Form of a linear equation

Learning objectives

  1. Analyzing a linear equation

Notes for teachers

Note for the Teachers

  1. Every Linear Equation represents a straightline .If the relationship(pattern)between two quantities can be represented as straightline then the relationship is in the form of linear equation
  2. A teacher can develop a lesson on Linear Equation with Geogebra application

Analysing a Linear Equation Class Interaction(with activity)

Activity No #1 Analyzing a Linear Equation

  • Materials/ Resources needed

Computer(Geogebra),projector,Blackboard (Lesson can be developed using graph sheets also)

  • Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
  1. Students have been introduced to graph(pictographs,bargraph,Histograms..)
  2. Students can make the difference (Relationship)between axes and quadrants

Refer to the Teaching Outline of Introduction to Coordinates

  1. Students are able to locate a given point on the graph if a set of coordinates are given
  2. Students are able to recognise coordinates of a given point on the graph
  3. Students can differentiate position of a point on the (NL)and also on the Quadrants
  • Multimedia resources
  • Website interactives/ links/ / Geogebra Applets
  • Process/ Developmental Questions

1. Start with a Geogebra Drawing pad 2. Give /ask students to give a set of coordinates You may get different patterns(assaign a group task) 3. ask the students to recognise coordinates of same pattern 4. ask them to extend the pattern to say many more coordinates following the same pattern (NOTE:Students may recognise same pattern or some may not recognise the pattern. ) 5. Ask the students visualise the points and visualise the pattern on the grap. 6. Ask them to join the points (teacher can help student to join the points by using Straight line tool in Geogebra which is more meaningfull) 7. This can be extended to say that Relation between the coordinates of set of points which gives/makes/results a straightline is a Linear Equation 8. Continue with some more points with line joing the points and establishing the relation ship between variables also. 9. Introduction to the degree of an equation may be discussed in subsequent lessons.

  • Evaluation
  • Question Corner

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