Formation of a triangle

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Geogebra sketch shows formation of a triangle Triangle_formation.png


  1. Understand formation of triangles
  2. Recognize elements of triangle
  3. Introduce concepts of exterior angle.

Estimated Time

Prerequisites/Instructions, prior preparations, if any

Prior knowledge of point, lines, angles, parallel lines

Materials/ Resources needed

  1. Digital : Computer, geogebra application, projector.
  2. Non digital : Worksheet and pencil
  3. Geogebra files : Introduction to a triangle.ggb

Process (How to do the activity)

  1. Use the geogebra file to illustrate.
  2. How many lines are there? Are the lines meeting?
  3. Are the two lines parallel? How can you say they are parallel or not?
  4. How many angles are formed at the point of intersection?
  5. What is the measure of the total angle at the point of intersection of two lines?
  6. Of the four angles formed which of the angles are equal? What are they called?
  7. Do the three intersecting lines enclose a space? How does it look? It is called a triangle.
  8. What are the points of intersection of these three lines called?
  9. The line segments forming the triangle are called sides.
  10. How many angles are formed when three lines intersect with each other?
  11. How many angles are enclosed by the triangle?