BHS Jayanagar
BHS Jayanagar
School Location Map
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School Profile
BHS Jayanagar which is located at " 35/1, Bhs I Grade Colony, 11, 4, Jaya Nagar, 4th T Block East, Jayanagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560011" Mr. Haalesh is the present Head master of the school which is aided under Government of Karnataka. The school has always put students education as its primary goal that is why we have also provided them with Library, computer labs, Good play ground etc. Recognizing the importance of ICT in education, we have started ICT integrated classes for high school students from this academic year.
Student Strength
Class | Medium | Girls | Boys | Total |
8th | English | 21 | 55 | 76 |
9th | English | 24 | 64 | 88 |
10th A | English | 07 | 38 | 45 |
10th B | English | 09 | 30 | 39 |
Total | 248 |
ಶಿಕ್ಷಕರ ಮಾಹಿತಿ / Teacher Profile
Name |
Designation |
Subject | ಬೋಧನಾ ಅನುಭವ
Teaching Experience |
T.H.Halesh | HM | Soc.Science and English | |
M.U. Jadhav | Subject Teacher | Hindi and Kannada | |
Ramesh Sharma | Subject Teacher | Kannada | |
A Sripathy Nakshatri | Subject Teacher | Sanskrit | |
B.Lokesh | Subject Teacher | Biology | |
Mumtaz Hassan Begum | Subject Teacher | Soc.Science and English | |
Firdos Ara Khatoon | Subject Teacher | Maths and Science | |
Suresh R Kamble | Subject Teacher | Drawing | |
B.N. Srinivas | Subject Teacher | Soc.Science and English | |
N Junjanna | Physical Education | PET | |
N Sowmya | Subject Teacher | Mathematics |
Educational Infrastructure
School photos