Introduction to equations
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Teaching Outlines
Concept #1 : Generalizing the form of a linear equation from data patterns
Learning objectives
- Recognise a pattern in the set of data(in this class a set of coordinates)
- Recognise the variation(proportion/nonproportion)
- Recognise varying and constant terms
- Recognise dependency of one varible with the other
- Establishing the relationship between a variable and a constant
- Generalise the relationship and expressing symbolically
- Explore the possibility of having different patterns
- Understand that every number pattern can be represented on the graph
- Joining the coordinates leads to a straight line or sometimes to non-Linear set
- Interprets the relationship between the set of points on a straight line and on the non-linear set.
- Every pair of points when joined gives a straightline(infinite points can be located between two points
- Relation between the coordinates of set of points which makes a straightline is a Linear Equation /Otherwise Non-Linear
Notes for teachers
- Every Linear Equation represents a straightline .If the relationship(pattern)between two quantities can be represented as straightline then the relationship is in the form of linear equation
- A teacher can develop a lesson on Linear Equation with Geogebra application
Activity No #
- Estimated Time
1 Period : 40 minutes
- Materials/ Resources needed
- Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
- Students have been introduced to graph(pictographs,bargraph,Histograms..)
- Students can make the difference (Relationship)between axes and quadrants
- Refer to the Teaching Outline of Introduction to Coordinates
- Students are able to locate a given point on the graph if a set of coordinates are given
- Students are able to recognise coordinates of a given point on the graph
- Students can differentiate position of a point on the (NL)and also on the Quadrants
- Multimedia resources
- Website interactives/ links/ / Geogebra Applets
- Process/ Developmental Questions
(This can be done using a graph sheet also)
- Start with a Geogebra Drawing pad
- Give /ask students to give a set of coordinates
- You may get different patterns(assaign a group task)
- Ask the students to recognise coordinates of same pattern
- Ask them to extend the pattern to say many more coordinates following the same pattern
(NOTE:Students may recognise same pattern or some may not recognise the pattern. )
- Ask the students visualise the points and visualise the pattern on the grap.
- Ask them to join the points (teacher can help student to join the points by using Straight line tool in Geogebra which is more meaningfull)
- This can be extended to say that Relation between the coordinates of set of points which gives/makes/results a straightline is a Linear Equation
- Continue with some more points with line joing the points and establishing the relation ship between variables also.
- Introduction to the degree of an equation may be discussed in subsequent lessons.
- Evaluation
- Show them the graph of an equation and ask students to predict the pattern
- Question Corner
Activity No #
- Estimated Time
- Materials/ Resources needed
- Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
- Multimedia resources
- Website interactives/ links/ / Geogebra Applets
- Process/ Developmental Questions
- Evaluation
- Question Corner
Concept #2 Solution of an equation
Learning objectives
Notes for teachers
Activity No #
- Estimated Time
- Materials/ Resources needed
- Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
- Multimedia resources
- Website interactives/ links/ / Geogebra Applets
Math Play
*Process/ Developmental Questions
- Evaluation
- Question Corner
Activity No #
- Estimated Time
- Materials/ Resources needed
- Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
- Multimedia resources
- Website interactives/ links/ / Geogebra Applets
- Process/ Developmental Questions
- Evaluation
- Question Corner
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Math Fun
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