Text Books NCERT Science

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NCERT Science Text Books

Chapter No NCERT Class VIII Science NCERT Class IX Science NCERT Class X Science
1 Crop Production and Management Matter in our surroundings Chemical Reactions and Equations
2 Micro-organisms:Friend and Foe Is Matter Around Us Pure Acids, Bases and Salts
3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics Atoms And Molecules Metals and Non-Metals
4 Materials:Metals and Non – Metals Structure Of The Atom Carbon and its Compounds
5 Coal and Petroleum The Fundamental Unit Of Life Periodic Classification of Elements
6 Combustion and Flame Tissues Life Processes
7 Conservation of Plants and Animals Diversity In Living Organisms Control and Coordination
8 Cell- Structure and Functions Motion How do Organisms Reproduce?
9 Reproduction in Animals Force And Laws Of Motion Heredity and Evolution
10 Reaching the Age of Adolescence Gravitation Light – Reflection and Refraction
11 Force and Pressure Work And Energy Human Eye and Colourful World
12 Friction Sound Electricity
13 Sound Why Do We Fall ill Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
14 Chemical Effects of Electric Current Natural Resources Sources of Energy
15 Some Natural Phenomena Our Environment
16 Light Management of Natural Resources
17 Stars and the Solar System
18 Pollution of Air and Water

NCERT Science Text Books of Exemplar Problem

Chapter No NCERT Class VIII Science Exemplar Problems NCERT Class IX Science Exemplar Problems NCERT Class X Science Exemplar Problems
1 Crop Production and Management Matter in our Surrounding Chemical Reactions and Equations
2 Micro organisms : friend and foe Is Matter Around Us Pure Acids, Bases and Salts
3 Synthetic Fibre and Plastics Atoms and Molecules Metals and Non Metals
4 Materials : Metals and Non Metals Structure of the Atoms Carbon and its Compounds
5 Coal and Petroleum The Fundamental Unit of Life Periodic Classification of Elements
6 Combustion and Flame Tissues Life Processes
7 Conservation of Plants and Animals Diversity in Living Organisms Control and Coordination
8 Cell - Structures and Functions Motion How do Organisms Reproduce?
9 Reproduction in Animals Force and Laws of Motion Heridity and Evolution
10 Reaching the Age of Adolescence Gravitation Light - Relfection and Refraction
11 Force and Pressure Work and Energy The Human Eye and the Colourful World
12 Friction Sound Electricity
13 Sound Why Do We Fall Ill Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
14 Chemical Effects of Electric Current Natural Resources Sources of Energy
15 Some Natural Phenomena Improvement in Food Resources Our Environment
16 Light Management of Natural Resources
17 Stars and the Solar System
18 Pollution of Air and Water

NCERT Science Laboratory Manuals

NCERT Science Class IX Laboratory Manuals

Sl No Topic Name Page No Link to the Topic
1 Introduction 1 Lab Manual Part 1
2 General Laboratory Facilities 3
3 Preparing Students for Laboratory Work 6
4 General Laboratory Rules 7
5 First Aid Treatment 9
6 Recording of Experiment 10
Sl No UNIT I - MATERIALS Page No Link to the Experiments
1 To study the different parts of a simple (dissecting) Microscope 13 Lab Manual Part 2
2 To study the different parts of a compound Microscope 16
3 To determine the density of a liquid (other than water) by using a spring balance and a measuring cylinder 21
4 To determine the density of a non-porous solid(insoluble and denser than water) by using a spring balance and a measuring cylinder 25
5 To show that gases are readily compressible and liquids are not 29
6 To study the changes in state of sublimate solids on heating 32
7 To study the process of evaporation 35
8 To determine the boiling point of water and melting point of ice 37
9 To prepare a saturated solution of common salt in distilled water and to determine its solubility at room temperature 41
10 To prepare a solution of common salt of 10% composition by mass 46
11 To separate the components of a mixture of sand,common salt and ammonium chloride 49
12 To prepare solutions of various substance and to identify them as true solutions and suspension 53
13 To prepare a colloidal solution of sulphur and differentiate it from a true solution or from a suspension on the basis of transparency and filtration 55
14 To study the process of separation of a mixture of two immiscible liquids 58
15 To separate a mixture of two miscible liquids by simple distillation 60
16 To differentiate between a mixture (containing two components) and a pure compound 63
17 To verify the law of conservation of mass in a chemical reaction 66
Sl No UNIT II - THE WORLD OF LIVING Page No Link to the Experiments
1 To prepare a stained, temporary mount of onion peel and to study the cells 69 Lab Manual Part 3
2 To prepare a temporary mount of human cheek epithelial cells, and to study its characteristics 72
3 To study the phenomenon of osmosis 75
4 To study plasmolysis in leaf epidermal peels of Rhoeo 78
5 To test the presence of starch in a given food or Tradescantia. sample and metanil yellow in pigeon pea 81
6 To study parenchyma and sclerenchyma tissues in plants by preparing temporary slides 83
7 To identify and study striated muscle fibre and nerve fibre in animals 88
8 To study the characteristics of Spirogyra, Agaricus, moss, fern, Pinus and an angiosperm plant 91
9 To prepare herbarium sheet of a flowering plant 96
10 To study the features and draw diagrams of earthworm, cockroach, bony fish and bird 100
11 To compare the external features of monocot and dicot Plants 104
12 To study the life cycle of a mosquito 108
13 To study the life cycle of malarial parasite 111
14 To collect and study symptoms of diseases in locally available crop plants 114
Sl No UNIT III - MOVING THINGS, PEOPLE AND IDEAS Page No Link to the Experiments
1 To plot distance–time (s – t) and graph for an object moving with a uniform speed from a given set of s and t data and to determine the speed of the Object 117 Lab Manual Part 5
2 To plot the speed–time (v – t) graph for an object moving with uniform accelerations from a given set of v – t data and to determine the acceleration of the moving object and the distance moved by the object 122
3 To study the third law of motion using two spring balances 128
4 To study the variation in limiting friction with mass and the nature of surfaces in contact 133
5 To verify Archimedes’ principle 139
6 To establish the relation between the loss in weight of a solid when fully immersed in (i) tap water;(ii)strongly salty water, with the weight of water displaced by it by taking at least two different solids 144
7 To plot temperature–time graph for a hot object as it


8 To study the effect of amplitude on the time period of a simple pendulum 153
9 To study the variation in time period of a simple pendulum with its length 158
10 To study the effect of mass on the time period of a simple pendulum 163
11 To determine the speed of a transverse pulse propagated through a stretched string 168
12 To determine the speed of a longitudinal pulse propagated through a stretched slinky 173
13 To study the reflection of sound 180

NCERT Science Class X Laboratory Manuals

Karnataka Science Text Books => NCERT Science Text Books

Karnataka Science Class IX Text Books => NCERT Science Text Books

Chapter No Karnataka Class IX Science Textbook NCERT Science Textbooks
1 Natural Resources NCERT Text Book Science Class IX Chapter 14 Natural Resources
4 Classification of Living Organisms NCERT Text Book Science Class IX Chapter 7 Diversity in Living Organisms
5 Nature of Light NCERT Text Book Science Class VIII Chapter 16 Light
6 The World of Microbes NCERT Text Book Science Class VIII Chapter 2 Micro organisms : friend and foe
8 Properties of Matter NCERT Text Book Science Class IX Chapter 1 Matter in our Surroundings
9 Excretion in Animals NCERT Text Book Science Class X Chapter 6 Life Processes
10 Lens NCERT Text Book Science Class X Chapter 10 Light - Relfection and Refraction
11 Synthetic Materials NCERT Text Book Science Class VIII Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibre and Plastics
12 Life Processes NCERT Text Book Science Class X Chapter 6 Life Processes
15 Reproduction in Animals NCERT Text Book Science Class VIII Chapter 9 Reproduction in Animals
17 Circular Motion NCERT Text Book Science Class IX Chapter 8 Motion
18 Electronic Configuration NCERT Text Book Science Class IX Chapter 4 Structure of the Atoms
22 Gravitation NCERT Text Book Science Class IX Chapter 10 Gravitation
24 Electricity NCERT Text Book Science Class X Chapter 12 Electricity
25 Evolution of Life NCERT Text Book Science Class X Chapter 9 Heridity and Evolution

Ekalavya Science Books

Sl No Book Names
1 How Hot? How Cold?
2 Heat and Temperature
3 Motion and Force Page No 1 to 25
4 Motion and Force Page No 26 to 50
5 Motion and Force Page No 51 to 75
6 Motion and Force Page No 76 to 112
7 Human Body System
8 Hoshangabad Science Teaching Programme - Bal Vaignanik Science Textbook for Class 7
9 Hoshangabad Science Teaching Programme - Bal Vaignanik Science Textbook for Class 8