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Atomic Structure

  1. concept
  2. atomic theory
  3. atomic structure

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Useful Websites

Wikipedia for Heat
Wikipedia for Thermal energy
Kinetic Energy

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TamilNadu Textbook

Teaching Outlines

Concept #1 Heat is a form of energy

Learning objectives

Notes for teachers

These are short notes that the teacher wants to share about the concept, any locally relevant information, specific instructions on what kind of methodology used and common misconceptions/mistakes.

Activity #1 Thought Experiment to introduce heat

  • Estimated Time

40 minutes

  • Materials/ Resources needed

Black Board, Pencil, Paper

  • Prerequisites/Instructions, if any

Understanding of work and energy

  • Multimedia resources
  • Website interactives/ links/ simulations
  • Process (How to do the activity)
  1. Let us do a thought experiment. Let us think about a small activity. We will do it as a thought experiment! Do you know what a thought experiment is? It is something we conduct in our mind. Where we follow all the rules of science. Many scientists have conducted thought experiments to understand many difficult phenomena.
  2. Let us say we have 4 bunsen burners. We will put three beakers – one of oil, water and milk on each of the burners and one metal spoon on the fourth burner. The quantity of oil, water and milk should be the same. We will keep the burner on for 4 minutes. Now we will try to answer some questions.
  • Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
  1. At the end of 4 minutes, we will measure the temperature of the oil, water and milk. Can you even touch the spoon at the end of 4 minutes? Which do you think will feel hottest?
  2. What has happened to all these 4 substances? All 4 substances have become hot, some will be more hot - some less hot.
  3. When we put something on a fire, it become hot. It becomes hot by absorbing the heat from the fire. How hot it becomes depends on the the material and the mass of the object. Every material absorbs heat differently. This depends on how the molecules are arranged in the object.
  • Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
  1. Can you explain how heat is used in cooking?
  2. How does heat from the sun work?
  • Question Corner

Activity No # 2 Heat is energy

  • Estimated Time

40 minutes

  • Materials/ Resources needed

DVD Player, Computer

  • Prerequisites/Instructions, if any

Introduction to energy

  • Multimedia resources

  • Website interactives/ links/ simulations
  • Process (How to do the activity)

After showing the video discuss the following.

  • Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
  1. How does the water become more hot in the first video?
  2. We have seen that energy means ability to do work. When we say energy we usually think of movement, potential energy, kinetic energy, light, etc.
  3. What about heat? Heat is a form of energy. When we rub our hands together, drag an object over another or even sharpen a tool, we will notice that heat is generated. Our hands will get warm and the tools will also become very hot.
  4. Why does this happen? Molecules inside an object are always moving and when their movement is increased, their energy is increased. And this is what is felt as heat. We can see that heat is a form of energy.
  • Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)

  • Question Corner
  1. We saw that mechanical energy (rubbing, jumping) can produce heat. Can heat also move things? How does a steam engine work?

Concept 2: Introduction to Heat and Temperature

Learning objectives

  1. Students must understand the nature of heat energy
  2. Appreciate the connection between heat and temperature

Notes for teachers

These are short notes that the teacher wants to share about the concept, any locally relevant information, specific instructions on what kind of methodology used and common misconceptions/mistakes.

When we touch something we often say it is hot or cold. Obviously we are referring to some property that feels different with respect to our own body and we refer to this as energy. We have also noticed that we feel hotness when we are near fire or a light or from the sun. The characteristic of matter we are referring to is the energy that is contained and transmitted; Every object possesses internal thermal energy contained in an object and this depends on the amount of the substance.

The transfer of this energy from one object to another is felt and described as heat. Heat thus refers to one of the forms in which the energy in an object can be transferred to its surroundings.

Yet another observation we can make with respect to heat is how hot or how cold an object is. The degree of hotness or coldness of an object is what we use to compare the heat energy contained in an object with respect to its surroundings. This degree of hotness or coldness is what we measure as temperature. How hot or cold something will determine how much energy it will give out to or receive from the environment.

Temperature of an object determines how much energy - heat - it will give out or receive.

Activity #1 Explaining the difference between heat and temperature

*Estimated Time
*Materials/ Resources needed
Downloaded video, DVD player/ Computer and projector
*Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
*Multimedia resources
This lively video explains the difference between heat and temperature. How are the heat and temperature related? Comparing heat energy and degree of temperature.

One more video on the same topic of Heat and temperature.
*Website interactives/ Links/ Simulations
Interactive simulation on temperature. NSTA-Learning-Object

  • Process (How to do the activity)

Show the video and discuss the following questions.

  • Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
  1. How would you describe temperature?
  2. Why does the cup of water not heat the pool the same amount as the bucket of water?
  3. If I heat an iron rod as well as a pot of water on a wood stove for 10 minutes which would have the higher temperature, why?
  • Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
  • Question Corner

Concept #3 Heat engine

Learning objectives

Notes for teachers


  1. Activity No #1 Concept Name - Activity No.
  2. Activity No #2 Concept Name - Activity No.

Project Ideas

Fun corner


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