Green revolution

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Teaching Outlines

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Key Idea #1 Green Revolution

Learning objectives

Understand the role played by green revolution in increasing food production Understanding the various components of green revolution

Notes for teachers

The Green revolution was initiated at a time when India was facing serious problem of food insecurity (insufficient production to meet demand). Hence the revolution is seen as a very important event, which helped India achieve food security. Though now the production of food is in excess of the demand expressed, however, even now, starvation or malnutrition is still not eradicated in India. Students can read more about the specific varieties of crops that were created/designed through agricultural research then


  1. Activity No #1 green revolution green revolution activity1
  2. Activity No #2 green revolution green revolution activity1

Key Idea #2 Challenges

The Green revolution has been a blessing by helping the country achieve rapid and dramatic increases in food production and productivity. However this has not been an unmixed blessing. The ill effects of the green revolution (excessive use of fertilisers, pesticides, ground water) is becoming more and more evident and this needs to be addressed.Thirdly, the variety/species of crops has reduced and the 'high yield' varieties have become very dominant, this may not be good from a bio diversity point of view.

Learning objectives

Understand the negative implications/impact of the green revolution technologies Understand the importance of traditional and organic methods of agriculture

Notes for teachers

To make this topic more connected to students lives, they could be taken for interactions with local farmers to study if the technologies used are more capital/input intensive like the green revolution, or are more based on organic methods


  1. Activity No #1 green revolution challenges activity1
  2. Activity No #2 green revolution challenges activity2

Key Idea #3

What are the key ideas to be covered

Learning objectives

Notes for teachers


  1. Activity No #1 Concept Name - Activity No.
  2. Activity No #2 Concept Name - Activity No.

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