Informal units of measurements
From Karnataka Open Educational Resources
Activity - Name of Activity
Estimating distances
Estimated Time
1 hour
Materials/ Resources needed
Materials/ Resources needed : Sticks, ropes, writing pad, pencil.
Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
1.They should have the ability to measure and document their findings accurately.
Multimedia resources
Website interactives/ links/ simulations/ Geogebra Applets
Process (How to do the activity)
- The teacher can ask the students to determine the distances of library, principal's room, playground, dining hall, entrance gate from their classroom using various non-standard measuring methods.
- The children can decide which method to use - whether foot, sticks or ropes.
- The task can be done in groups of 3 children.
- Document and compare the results.
- Discuss regarding the length of distance.
- Reiterate that it is very important to use same measuring modes to facilitate comparisons.
Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
- Which point would we mark as the point of reference for measuring our classroom.
- Similarly what are the points of reference for other places.
- How do we mark them.
- Which measuring unit have you chosen?
- How will you document the findings?
- How can we tabulate our findings on board for comparisons?
- What would be our report back time?
- What are our findings?
- What conclusions can we draw?
Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
What have we learnt so far about measuring object?
Question Corner
- How can we measure curves?
- What are the problems with non-standard measuring units?
- Can we think of methods to measure so that measures taken by anyone would always be same for a given object or distance.
Activity Keywords
To link back to the concept page Topic Page Link