Become a STF groups member

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources

How to become a STF groups member

You can become a member by sending a mail to

  1. mathssciencestf <> - vaishampayan joshi <>
  2. - Mahabaleshwar Bhagwat <>
  3. - Johnson Dcunha <>,
  4. - "" <>
  5. - "" <>
  6. -

You need to give following information in your request

  1. Your full name
  2. Name of school / institution
  3. Subjects taught by you
  4. Name of Taluka
  5. Cell phone number
  6. Your email id

Mailing tips for a STF member

  1. If you want to write to only one person, who has sent the mail, do not send to the groups, send only to the person. If you select REPLY, it will go to the groups. Hence remove that, and copy paste the person's email id
  2. Give a meaningful subject line. Just saying 'Hi' etc can be avoided.
  3. If you are attaching a file, give the file a meaningful name. Names like 'doc1.odt' or 'harish.odt' are meaningless. File name should suggest what the file is about, e.g. 'Congruent triangles.ggb'
    1. If you are attaching a file, give a description of the attachment in the mail itself.
  4. End every mail with your name, school name and taluka name. You can also add your cell number. This can be done automatically in gmail, by selecting the 'signature' option under 'settings'

Email etiquette for STF groups

  1. The Groups are mainly for discussing academic issues relevant to teachers. It is important to understand what kinds of emails are useful for the forum and what are not. Mails can cover following issues
    1. Core academic issues for the subject, such as discussion of a topic from the text book
    2. Broader issues relating to the subject - such as history of mathematics, famous scientists, writers etc
    3. Still broader issues relating to education, which may not be restricted to the subject itself. For example, environmental pollution, life skills etc
    4. Still broader social issues such as elections, national calamities
    5. Administrative matters, such as teacher transfers, formats of maintaining registers etc
    6. Purely personal issues
    7. Completely irrelevant issues
    8. Blank or meaningless emails
    9. Offensive, rude emails

In case of issues like teacher transfers, these are not academic in nature. However since they are very important (fulfil an important need of teachers), we can create 'discussion forums' for these on the KOER site and discuss and avoid sending mass emails to the STF

Email Framework

A mindmap providing a framework of what mails should be part of the forum and what should not is provided below. This suggests following options

  1. Celebrate - these are excellent emails that all of us love to receive. Some good resource made by a teacher or accessed and shared. Some very thought provoking ideas relating to teaching learning. Some wise comments on a troubling social issue
  2. Accept / Tolerate - most mails may not be brilliant or wise, but still are informative, or share the thoughts and ideas of a teacher.
    1. We need to have a broad interpretation of the teaching profession. We must have deep subject knowledge. We must also have good teaching skills. However, beyond both, as teacher, we are concerned citizens and also responsible to create responsible citizens. This means teachers must be concerned with a wide range of educational as well as social issues. For e.g. is a discussion on eve teasing relevant to STF. If we think that life skills are important part of the curriculum for all subjects, then of course this is relevant. Similarly since NCF suggests taking a multi-disciplinary approach to teaching, different subjects need to be integrated for the learner. This means that any subject teacher can be, should be and even must be interested in other subjects as well. A topic like 'water' can be discussed from maths, science, social science, language (perhaps all subjects!!) perspectives.
    2. Sometimes we may feel that a mail is not really useful, in such cases we can ask ourselves - is the teacher intending to be negative or disruptive? Is the teacher repeatedly sending blank or meaningless or irrelevant mails. Many teachers are joining the forum all the time, and these new teachers will need sometime to adjust to the group norms. During this time they may send irrelevant mails. We should gently and firmly guide them that the purpose of the STF is professional development of teachers through sharing and discussions and irrelevant mails add to the load of reading. However if a teacher repeatedly sends meaningless mails, then the group manager can put such a teacher under 'moderation', so that mails from that teacher need to be approved before coming on the list. In case you think any teacher is repeatedly sending irrelevant mails, please send a mail to with your feedback.
  3. Reject / Disallow - Rude or offensive mails must not be allowed. Differences of opinion is to be expected in a such a diverse group of teachers from across an entire state, however, this does not entitle us to be rude or offensive. We must make our points/submissions politely and in a constructive manner. This is a skill that we should learn and practice this skill of giving feedback and responses in a constructive manner. One tip here is to focus on the subject or topic being discussed and not the person raising the issue

From our experience, we know that almost 80% of emails are very relevant to our professional interests. Only couple of times, very rude/offensive mails have been sent and immediate action (removing the mail id) has been taken. Like any normal distribution, very good or very bad mails will be exceptions. Most mails will be in the 'acceptable' category.

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