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Karnataka text book has limited content, because this topic is at introductory stage.

NCERT Text Book chapter 3 'Social Institutions - Continuity and Change has a section 3.3 discussing Family and Kinship

Additional References

The links provided below provide useful information on family.

  1. .To view a clip discussing family. It discuss about sociological view on family. view this video and relate earlier definitions. click here
  2. .Refer Wikipedia for Sociology of Family
  3. .Extended Family, please see this webpage to understand about joint family
  4.‎#.Student Support Materials for Sociology - OCR AS Sociology Unit G672: Sociology of the Family: › ... › Family & Social Groups › Marriage & Family‎
  5. .The family unit in terms of applied sociology is a micro level society, or the smallest structure of society within our vast world of societies:‎
  6. .Direct correspondence to Paula Fomby, Department of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 ... believe this to be a substantial improvement on the standard list of which contains better measures of family income, to know more › Journal List › NIHPA Author Manuscripts

My family respects Prof CV Raman

See more photos of Prof CV Raman

Wikipedia article on matrilineality
Wikipedia article on marilocal residence
Wikipedia article on patrilineality
Wikipedia article on patrilocal residence

  1. information about family

Teaching Outlines

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Notes for teachers

While conventionally, the term 'family' has been described as a group of people related to each other by 'blood, marriage or custom'; from a sociological perspective, it is important to understand that family structures, rather than being universal and constant or unchanging vary across socio-cultural contexts. Thus, as a social institution, the composition of the family, and its structure evolves over time and must be undserstood in its relation to other changes in the society.

For example:

Out-migration of men from the Himalayan region-for better employment opportunities- has led to a rise in the proportion of female-headed households in the region This has been shown to have a positive impact on women's social standing in their local village community.

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  • Process
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  • Assessments - incorporating elements of CCE
  • Question Corner

Key Idea #

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Learning objectives

Notes for teachers

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  • Assessments - incorporating elements of CCE
  • Question Corner

Key Idea #

What are the key ideas to be covered

Learning objectives

Notes for teachers

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  • Process
  • What questions can you ask
  • Assessments - incorporating elements of CCE
  • Question Corner

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  • Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
  • Multimedia resources
  • Relevant local connections - people, places and materials
  • Website interactives/ links
  • Process
  • What questions can you ask
  • Assessments - incorporating elements of CCE
  • Question Corner

Project Ideas

Community Based Project

Rachana- 9th standard material

Rachana family


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