School leadership program for BBMP HMs 2017

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources

A program for sharing and learning about school leadership and development, with the HMs of 13 BBMP schools in Bengaluru.

The program will comprise 7 workshops (first Friday of each Month), with interactions between workshops over virtual phone communities. Readings will be assigned and presented to facilitate discussions.

Session 1 - School leadership in context

  1. Fill up the Participant information form
  2. Introductions and expectation sharing  -   Basic information about myself and my school
  3. Introduction to the community of practice - "Presentation and discussions - Why is a community of practice useful – school, teachers, parents as "learning community"
  4. Show TCOL video
  5. Introduction to school leadership as a discipline - Presentation and discussions
  6. Break of 10 minutes    
  7. Understanding our context - reading "COI COC Note", presentation + discussions
  8. Presentation of the overall program 
  9. Whatsapp install + add remaining to Group BBMP-HMs
  10. Assign reading - Aims of Education - NCF 2005 Position paper excerpt, Animal Story and Divaswapna. Assign one to each

Session 2 - Aims of education

  1. Sharing about ourselves, Getting to know ourselves in a community
  2. Aims of education - presentation and discussions
  3. Connecting for learning - using Computer and Internet to access open educational resources in Kannada and English
  4. Tux typing and text editing - Becoming familiar with text resources
  5. Assign reading - School vision - Kai Ming Cheng, ‘Vision building among school leaders’

Session 3 - Vision for school development

  1. Present and discuss School vision - Kai ming cheng
  2. Time management - Second Quadrant
  3. School physical infrastructure
  4. Preparing your school development plan
  5. Assign reading - school culture and identity reading. School as a learning community. Senge

Session 4 - School as a learning organization - school identity and culture

  1. Making learning meaningful to students
  2. ICT for building school as a community. School telegram. IVRS with parents  
  3. Assign reading - school support to TPD    Rosemary Webb - ‘Leading teaching and learning in the primary school’. Sergiovanni - Pedagogical leadership

Session 5 - School support to Teacher Professional Development

  1. Building your teachers as a learning community
  2. TPACK - discussion. demonstration. How ICT can enrich content and pedagogy - demonstrate in maths, science, language, SS
  3. Assign reading - school and community. Social equity - case study ಪ್ರಕರಣ ಅಧ್ಯಯನ . Namma Shaale

Session 6 - School and community + Seminar

  1. School and community of parents.  Presentation and discussion on reading
  2. Presentation on 'what I learnt and implemented'. Each HM presents the project they have developed and implemented

Session 7 - Putting it together, and taking it forward

  1. How do we take a plan forward        
  2. How do we continue learning as virtual communities, can each school be a resource centre in one area for other schools.
  3. How can we be part of larger Bengaluru schools community (at least government and aided schools)