Turtle art lesson 1

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources
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Week 1 Moving the Turtle
  1. Demonstrate the possibilities of movement using the Turtle
  2. Visualize space, co-ordinates and shapes through movement and vice versa
  3. Familiarization with the move/ draw/ colour functionalities of Turtle Art
  4. Familiarization of ways of defining parameters - movement, co-ordinates and colour
Hands-on Activity Activity #1 (Part A)
  1. Making the Turtle move without a trace
  2. Instruct the turtle to move by repeating a set of instructions
  3. Determine/ identify the shape the turtle will trace; pay attention to the orientation of the turtle
  4. View this with the co-ordinates and without the co-ordinates
  5. Count the number of times instructions are repeated
  6. What is the relation, if any, between the number of times the instruction is repeated and the shape traced by the turtle
  7. Color the palette
Screenshot of Part-A
  • Turtle move without trace
  • Hands-on Activity Activity #1 (Part B)
    1. Making the Turtle move with a trace
    2. Change the pen parameters - colour and thickness
    3. Instruct the turtle to move by repeating a set of instructions
    4. Determine/ identify the shape the turtle will trace; pay attention to the orientation of the turtle. Is this the same/ different as what you expected when you did not trace? If there is a difference, what is different and why?
    5. Describe the turtle's movement (in words)
    6. View this with the co-ordinates and without the co-ordinates
    7. Count the number of times instructions are repeated
    8. What is the relation, if any, between the number of times the instruction is repeated and the shape traced by the turtle. Show this using "Run" and "Step" options to understand the movement
    9. Colour the palette with the given values.
    10. And execute the code in the the following three sequences and find out why the output is different
    Screenshots for the above activity
  • Turtle1B-1.png
  • Turtle move with trace


    Questions and Assignments

    See the picture here. What should the command have been for this? How many times were the instructions repeated?

    1. Use the Turtle move commands to generate a shape
    2. For a given shape, write the Turtle commands