From Karnataka Open Educational Resources
Revision as of 00:34, 15 February 2021 by Neeta Jose (talk | contribs)

Introduction to the course and overview of ICT tools and Open Educational Resources

Learners will able to:

  1. apply the principles of Free and Open Software and Open Educational Resources as well as their implications for equity
  2. install Geogebra and get introduced to Geogebra for creating some  basic sketches

Installation of Geogebra

Introduction to Geogebra

Introduction to Geogebra- Angle construction.gbb

ICT and Education

Introduction to Geogebra

Learners will able to:

  1. get a working proficiency of the Geogebra application and all its functionalities;
  2. create Geogebra sketches as teaching resources for high-school maths concepts.

Creating text box and Input bar in Geogebra

Geogebra file:

Sum of Measures of Angles of a triangle using textbox and input bar.ggb

Use of Geogebra for teaching-learning

Lines and Angles

Geogebra files:

Angles introduction.ggb

Introduction of a triangle.ggb

Exploring Similarity

Congruence introduction to different shapes.ggb

Introduction to triangle.ggb

Demonstrating proportionality.ggb

Exploring Similarity.ggb

Developing mathematical proficiencies of logical reasoning and problem-solving

Learners will able to:

  1. strengthen their working proficiency of the Geogebra application and all its functionalities, by creating more complex sketches;
  2. create Geogebra sketches as teaching resources for theorems and problems;
  3. access, and contribute to OER repositories of Geogebra.

Using Geogebra tools

Use of Slider and Input Box in Geogebra

Use of checkbox to create an interactive lesson

Use of Geogebra in teaching learning

Basic Proportionality Theorem

Linear Equation and Simultaneous Linear Equation

Strengthening teaching-learning processes in classrooms

Learners will be able to:

  1. create lessons using Geogebra for teaching high-school mathematics;
  2. evaluate multiple resources including Geogebra resources for the development of a lesson plan;

Use of Geogebra in teaching-learning

Lesson in Pythagoras theorem

Lesson on Circles

Use of Construction Protocol

Parallelogram Construction

Downloading and uploading resources on OER Geogebra Repository

Learners will be able to:

  1. download and upload Geogebra resources from the Geogebra Repository

Click this link for opening the Geogebra repository


Installing on computer -

Installing on phone -

  • Geogebra hands-on activities checklist

This document provides a sequenced list of activities for your hands-on practice of Geogebra.

Some of these have been covered in the lectures. Some you can try based on what we have covered in the lecture.

You can refer to the Learn_Geogebra user  manual for help and also to the online Geogebra manual

  • There Are No Technology Shortcuts to Good Education

Kentaro Toyama. 2011. There Are No Technology Shortcuts to Good Education

  • Open Educational Resources (OER) and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) are aligned

“The means are the ends”: The alignment between OER and FOSS, May 2015.  a blog by Gurumurthy Kasinathan

  • Teaching using Geogebra in the classroom (student textbook and teacher handbook)

Student textbook and  teacher  handbook for teaching Mathematics with Geogebra - can be used to start with any grade from 6 through 10

  1.    ICT student textbook/Explore maths with Geogebra level 1
  2.    ICT student textbook/Explore maths with Geogebra level 2
  3.    ICT student textbook/Explore maths with Geogebra level 3
  4.    ICT Teacher handbook

IT for Change developed the student textbook and teacher handbook for the state of Telangana, India, with support from Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), an associate of Commonwealth of Learning.

This article by Dr. Sanjaya Mishta explore how institutional capacity building can be a determinant for the effectiveness of OER based e-learning.

This handbook introduces teachers to the use of different technology tools available for teachers for creating lessons, in their teaching-learning as well as for their planning.  This is a COL publication.

  • Strands of Mathematics proficiency

Page 116-124 from the book called "Strands of Mathematical Proficiency, Chapter 4

This edited compendium comprises articles on theories of learning,  design thinking, and learning in communities.