Squares, Square- Roots, Cubes And Cube- Roots

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This video is related to square and square roots and introduction to cube roots, cube root of negative numbers and cube root of non perfect cube simultaneously.


Resource Title

Square Roots

Useful websites

  1. To get the information about square and square rootclick here
  2. To know more about square and square rootclick here

Reference Books

Teaching Outlines

Concept 1: Square Root

Suppose N is a natural number such that N= . The number m is called square root of N we have =mxm or =-mx-m. Thus has 2 square roots, m and -m. Example 9= or .Thus both 3 and -3 are

Learning objectives

Notes for teachers

These are short notes that the teacher wants to share about the concept, any locally relevant information, specific instructions on what kind of methodology used and common misconceptions/mistakes.


  1. Activity No #1 Concept Name - Activity No.
  2. Activity No #2 Concept Name - Activity No.

Concept 2: Perfect square-numbers

Learning objectives

  1. The students should understand that a perfect square number is the product obtained by multiplying same number with same sign twice.
  2. Recognising perfect square-numbers in a given group of numbers
  3. perfect square-number patterns
  4. differentiating between perfect square-numbers & other numbers.

Notes for teachers

Patterns & games of perfect square-number may be given to students


  1. Activity No #1 Patterns & games of perfect square-number may be given to students - Activity No1
  2. Activity No #2 Concept Name - Activity No.


Learning objectives

  1. Understanding the geometric meaning of square root.
  2. Finding square root of a perfect square number by prime factorization.
  3. Finding square root of a number by division method.
  4. Finding square root of a decimal number.

Notes for teachers


  1. Activity No #1: Activity on square and square roots by exploring the relationship between area of a square and its side length- Activity 1
  2. Activity No #2 ;Finding square of one digit number - Activity No.2

Assessment activities for CCE

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