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History of English
Teaching of English

Curriculum and Syllabus

Question Papers

Lesson Plans
Student Materials


What is oxymoron? An Oxymoron is defined as a phrase in which two words of opposite meanings are brought together. Here are some funny oxymorons:

  1. Clearly Misunderstood
  2. Exact Estimate
  3. Small Crowd
  4. Act Naturally
  5. Found Missing
  6. Fully Empty
  7. Pretty Ugly
  8. Seriously Funny
  9. Only Choice
  10. Original Copies
  11. Open Secret
  12. Tragic Comedy
  13. Foolish Wisdom
  14. Liquid Gas

Interesting news

  1. British Council MOOCs - “Understanding IELTS: Techniques for English Language Tests” begin from May 11 and “Exploring English: Language and Culture.” from June 22. See news article
  2. English medium students for SSC exams up by 1.33 lakh

"The sudden rise is due to the success schools started a few years ago where English medium was introduced and the first batch will be taking the SSC exams this year."

Famous People

Robin Williams who died recently acted as a English teacher in the famous movie Dead Poets Society 220px-Robin_Williams_2011a_%282%29.jpg

Book Shelf

  1. For latest book reviews and articles by authors do visit The Hindu Books
  2. Good Reads can help you decide your next book!
  3. The Unknown Teacher - a poem by Henry Van Dyke
  4. Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, one of the greatest poets of 'democracy'

Abraham Lincoln's World Famous Letter to his Son's Teacher

He will have to learn, I know,

that all men are not just, all men are not true.

But teach him also that

for every scoundrel there is a hero;

that for every selfish Politician,

there is a dedicated leader…

Teach him for every enemy there is a friend,

Steer him away from envy,

if you can,

teach him the secret of

quiet laughter.

Let him learn early that

the bullies are the easiest to lick…

Teach him, if you can,

the wonder of books…

But also give him quiet time

to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky,

bees in the sun,

and the flowers on a green hillside.

In the school teach him

it is far honourable to fail

than to cheat…

Teach him to have faith

in his own ideas,

even if everyone tells him they are wrong…

Teach him to be gentle

with gentle people,

and tough with the tough. Try to give my son

the strength not to follow the crowd

when everyone is getting on the band

wagon… Teach him to listen to all men…

but teach him also to filter

all he hears on a screen of truth,

and take only the good

that comes through.

Teach him if you can,

how to laugh when he is sad…

Teach him there is no shame in tears,

Teach him to scoff at cynics

and to beware of too much sweetness…

Teach him to sell his brawn

and brain to the highest bidders

but never to put a price-tag

on his heart and soul.

Teach him to close his ears

to a howling mob

and to stand and fight

if he thinks he’s right.

Treat him gently,

but do not cuddle him,

because only the test

of fire makes fine steel.

Let him have the courage

to be impatient…

let him have the patience to be brave.

Teach him always

to have sublime faith in himself, because then he will have

sublime faith in mankind.

This is a big order,

but see what you can do…

He is such a fine little fellow,

my son!

Events and Happenings



From the forum

Fun corner

Play vocabulary games such as Crossword, Hangman and Anagram games on the link below. Fun Activities Interesting anecdotes


Stories they tell about language

An interesting article by Rama Kant Agnihotri, Professor and Head, Department of Linguistics, University of Delhi.

"The idea that a tongue spoken by a large number of people across a territory is ‘pure’ and therefore must not be changed is wrong"