Classroom Technology Toolkit

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources


This page is created to Help the School or the teacher to use the ICT Hardware available at the school. We have categorized the hardware with the suitable connection process to engage the student effectively using the ICT Device.

Different Cables and ports Used to Connect devices

  • VGA Cable
    • This cable is used to connect the display visual from the CPU to the monitor or projector, which can be connected to the VGA port.
VGA cable
VGA port
  • HDMI Cable
    • This cable is used to connect the display visual from the CPU to the monitor or projector, which can be connected to the HDMI port. This cable will support the audio output to the device connected
HDMI cable
HDMI port
  • Aux Cable
    • This cable is used to connect speakers and microphones.
Aux cable
Aux port
  • Power Cable
    • This cable is used to supply power to devices like the monitor, CPU, printer, and scanner.
Power cable
Power port
  • Type-B, Type-C, USB cables

We have different combination of Cables as below:

  1. USB to USB : This cable can be used to transfer the data and used to connect the devices for some Output or Input.
  2. Type-B to USB : This cable can be used to transfer the data and also used to charge the devices
  3. Type-C to USB : This cable can be used to transfer the data and also used to charge the devices
  4. Type-C to Type-C : This cable can be used to transfer the data and also used to charge the devices, connect the devices for some Output or Input.
Type-B to USB
Type-C to USB
Type-C to Type-C
USB Port
Type-C Port
Type-B Port
  • HDMI connector

This Connector is used to connect the Laptop and Projector. This can be used When your Laptop has only HDMI port and Projector has only VGA port to connect.

HDMI connector
  • Lan cable

LAN cable is used to get Internet access from the router, Switch, Hub. LAN can also be used to connect system internally for Local access in which one system can be made as server and from that server the data can be accessed and sent.

LAN cable
LAN port

Different scenario of hardware availability at school

Assembling Computer

This section is about how do to connect the part of the computer, In case you have system's in your school and need to setup a computer lab the below video will help you out.

English version

Kannada version

Urdu version

Connecting Laptop/Desktop to the Projector or a Smart TV

English version

Kannada version

Urdu version

Connecting a Speaker to a Laptop or Smartphone through AUX in

Connecting a Bluetooth Speaker to the devices

To Computer

To Smartphone

Screen Casting Mobile Phone to Smart TV

Transferring files and folders from phone to computer and vice versa

Recording Quality Audio

Installing Software on Windows

Installing Audacity

English Version

Installing Freeplane

English version

Installing Kdenlive

English version

Buy your ICT device

In today's modern educational landscape, technology plays a pivotal role, making it essential for individuals to possess their own devices. Whether you're an educator/teacher seeking a personal device to enhance your professional development and create teaching resources or a student looking to access learning materials, a laptop is the ideal choice.

We have suggested few devices in a normal budget, which as good configuration like Laptop, Projector, Speaker and Mobile. We will update the data once in a month, the price may vary as it update from the Online vendors. You can click on this Link to view the page.


Display Has No Visual

  1. Check the power connection.
  2. The cable may be loosely connected.
  3. The VGA port of either the monitor or CPU might have a problem.

Not Able to Type or Use Mouse

  1. The keyboard or mouse might have a hardware issue.
  2. The cable may be loosely connected.
  3. The USB port of the CPU might have a problem; connect it to another USB port and check.
  4. You may have chosen a different language setting like Nudi software.

CPU is Not Turning On

  1. Check the power connection.
  2. t may be a loose hard disk or RAM connectivity; reconnect it (check with a technician)