KOER suggestions

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources
Revision as of 10:53, 3 January 2014 by Gurumurthy (talk | contribs) (Created page with " This is a page for making suggestions for improving KOER... teachers pls share your ideas...[http://karnatakaeducation.org.in/KOER/en/index.php/User:Guru Guru] ==Tharanath ...")
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This is a page for making suggestions for improving KOER... teachers pls share your ideas...Guru

Tharanath Achar sir, Belthangady

One of problems with WWW.Karnatakaeducation.org.in is its inability to link itself with a mobile phone or smartphone inbuilt browser or operamini, as I found it so far. I tried ever so many times to browse the site with my Android but the messages I got every time was that " timed out" or " server not found" even when it is in 3G. I could fix this problem by installing Firefox recently. I post this message with an intention to tell my friends not confine themselves to laptops or desktops. The growth of technology can not be prevented and we will be at a loss when we stick on our old devices or methods or grow stubborn when asked to use newer technologies.

Again, the KOER can not be the ultimate resource center for Karnataka teachers until every page of the open resources is thoroughly scrutinized by the subject experts of higher order. Quality control is must for a qualitative development. The pages documented and uploaded for KOER are mainly created by teachers with their limited knowledge of the respective subjects and this can not be deemed to be ultimately authentic. The public has a genuine right to view and comment on whatever page they find in KOER. If any allegation arrives at the forum or website, there must be a team of highly knowledgeable persons to defend it by quoting authenticity of the sources for the topic concerned. If the names of teachers who created pages or the experts who checked the reliability and authenticity of the topics are not mentioned under each and every pages, the blame rests solely on ITfC.

Recently the internet is getting heaped of all that information about a single topic where it is very hard for a teacher to identify the right knowledge for the right topic.

Tandavamurthy sir, Kolar

Most of the resources uploaded in koer is based on text book,hence text book committe members should be held accountable with respect to authenticity of information.I don't know how better they are informed about KOER and STF,it is right time to bring them along with DIET and CTE faculty into STF and KOER as observers.

Aravind Navalli sir, Raichur

Dear Tharanath Sir, I think what you said is right, There should be an Expert Team which verifies what is being uploaded to this KOER. I think some people like you and many in our STF group should be deputed at least for 15 days and they should be uploading all content in KOER and others can comment and share their materials. Unless a good material is present on KOER no one will comment on that. the materials should prepared in such a way that it should provoke our teachers to adopt it and even improve further