Curriculum Design

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources

Gopal, Padma, Sunil and Suparna

This is the web page for each of us to write out our ideas for 'content' for the ELM course/programme.

Once each of us writes this out, we can look at each others and see what areas overlap/complement etc. and also how together it can make for a cohesive offering... enjoy its something that grows on you!

regards Guru

Objectives of the programme

Faculty Development for DIETs in North East state from an ELM perspective



Role Clarity / Institutional purpose inadequate understanding

Content - Sunil

Content - Suparna

Content - Gopal

Content - Guru

Unit 1 (2 days)

  • ELM structures (actors) and interactions
    • School
    • Academic Support
    • Administrative Support
    • Community support
    • Policy Support
    • Networks

Unit 2 (2-3 days)

  • ELM as a process
    • Visioning
    • Planning
    • Organising
    • Staffing
    • Facilitating
    • Assessing
  • Role of different actors in the ELM processes in Indian education system

Unit 3 (2 days)

  • Education Leadership
    • Vision
    • Challenges faced by Indian education system
      • Traditional challenges - social stratification, developing country challenges, investment
      • New challenges - Globalisation and Liberalisation,
      • ICTs and education
    • Building networks of education leaders at various levels - for response at individual, institutional and systemic levels
      • Integrating ICTs into education for (academic and administrative) capacity building at individual, institutional and systemic levels

Unit 4 ICTs integration - programme design and implementation

Content - Padma