Sectors Indian Economy Nature of Labour

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources

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How the topic is discussed in NCERT Books

  • The NCERT chapter provides a deeper explanation of the three sectors. It gives 'micro case studies' of people to help get an easier and better understanding of the sectoral classifications of the economy. One case which is powerful is that of Kamal and Kanta who work in the unorganised and organised sectors respectively. their work conditions are well explained and the student can also relate to this to understand this classification of the economy from the angle of the status of labour. This classification is very important to understand, since it can help us understand what can be done to improve the conditions of living for a very large section of Indians who work in the unorganised sector. This classification is not discussed in the Karnataka book.

Such micro case studies can help student understand easier compared to third person / generic / macro statements.

Useful websites

Reference Books

Teaching Outlines

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  • What questions can you ask
  • Assessments - incorporating elements of CCE
  • Question Corner

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  • Multimedia resources
  • Relevant local connections - people, places and materials
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  • Process
  • What questions can you ask
  • Assessments - incorporating elements of CCE
  • Question Corner

Key Idea #

What are the key ideas to be covered

Learning objectives

Notes for teachers

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  • Estimated Time
  • Materials/ Resources needed
  • Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
  • Multimedia resources
  • Relevant local connections - people, places and materials
  • Website interactives/ links
  • Process
  • What questions can you ask
  • Assessments - incorporating elements of CCE
  • Question Corner

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  • Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
  • Multimedia resources
  • Relevant local connections - people, places and materials
  • Website interactives/ links
  • Process
  • What questions can you ask
  • Assessments - incorporating elements of CCE
  • Question Corner

Key Idea #

What are the key ideas to be covered

Learning objectives

Notes for teachers

Activity No #

  • Estimated Time
  • Materials/ Resources needed
  • Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
  • Multimedia resources
  • Relevant local connections - people, places and materials
  • Website interactives/ links
  • Process
  • What questions can you ask
  • Assessments - incorporating elements of CCE
  • Question Corner

Activity No #

  • Estimated Time
  • Materials/ Resources needed
  • Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
  • Multimedia resources
  • Relevant local connections - people, places and materials
  • Website interactives/ links
  • Process
  • What questions can you ask
  • Assessments - incorporating elements of CCE
  • Question Corner

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