

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources
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{{Color-box|1|Classroom resources|This section will feature resources for classroom teaching including online, digital and other hands-on activities.
{{Color-box|1|Articles by Educators|3='''Stories they tell about languages''' by '''Prof Ramakant Agnihotri'''
We will begin with Geometry - triangles and will be adding resources every week.
This is article on languages and impact on teaching-learning in today's Hindu.  The article discusses the "purity" of language and dangers in making assumptions about parent language, preserving and teaching a "standard" pure language.  Of particular interest is the discussion on the role of Sanskrit. The article also makes recommendations about how to structure learning processes that can build linguistic sense in children, during the initial years of schooling (many others have written about the absorbent mind for language in the early years of a child's life).The article can be accessed [ here].
Prof Ramakant Agnihotri also headed the NCF curriculum committee on teaching of Indian languages.
'''The Parrot's Training''' by
'''Rabindranath Tagore'''
This short story written by the great poet talks about how a king tried to school a parrot.  Stuffed with teachings and in a cage, the parrot dies.  The parallels can be drawn to an education system where education has become equated with facts and children are made to learn and memorize facts that are out of context here.  To read the entire article click [ here].}}
{{Color-box|3|Selected Educator|3=[[File:eleanorindex.jpeg|left|300px]]Eleanor Duckworth is a constructivist educator and a cognitive psychologist. Her  main ideas of teaching learning include the ideas that the child brings in her own knowledge and experience as well as the need for a sufficiently challenging environment for the learning to happen.  The teacher takes on the role of a facilitator for the learning as well the role of a researcher inquiring into the learning process.  In a powerful article, she argues that the having of wonderful ideas and the asking of good questions is the key to intellectual development.
Please see the following additional links.
{{Color-box|3|Featured ICT resource|3=In this section, we will explore useful digital resources for teaching mathematics.   
1. Wikipedia on her.
This week, we are featuring a video on how to prove Pythagoras theorem, using Bhaskara's dissection proof.  This can be a very useful activity to be given under the Vidyagama program.
2 This is a compilation of ongoing investigative approaches to specific topics in History.
3.  - The blog linked to the above web site.
{{Color-box|5|Interesting read|In this very interesting article, "engineer-mathematician" Dr Barbara Oakley talked about how mastering procedural fluency, combined with language fluency helped her master mathematics, even when she began learning advanced math at the age of 26!
{{Color-box|5|State Resource Group for TE|'''Mandate of the SRG'''
[ How I rewired my brain to become fluent in math]
Barbara Oakley is a professor of engineering at Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, and the author of, most recently, A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If
 You Flunked Algebra). She is also co-instructor, with Terrence Sejnowski, the Francis Crick Professor at the Salk Institute, of one of the world’s largest online courses, “Learning How to Learn,” with Coursera.}}
# Vision document for TE
# Capacity building for DIET/ CTE faculty
# Curriculum and materials development for preservice and inservie teacher education
# Research
# Pedagogy and Assessment}}
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{{Color-box|2|Resources for hands-on activities|This is a collection of hands-on activities that can be used for Vidyagama program. Check regularly for updates.
{{Color-box|2|Events|# [[Karnataka_Open_Educational_Resources:Current_events | KOER-STF Teacher Education Workshops]]
# [[Dharwad_DIET_ICT_Literacy_Workshop_July_1-3,2013_Read_more | Dharwad ICT Hardware workshop]]
# [[Portal:Teacher_Education/Events/Events_History | History of Teacher Education events]]
{{Color-box|4|Book Review|'''Tracing the trajectory of sociology of education'''
[ Romping in Numberland] is an extremely interesting book where you can find some simple activities for introducing the joy of numbers.  This is a great resource for bridge course or even for students to explore numbers and will help them in their number skills and operations.  Click [ here] to download.
'''Sociology of Education in India - Changing Contours and Emerging Concerns<br>
Edited by Geetha B. Nambissan, S. Srinivasa Rao;''' <br>
Oxford University Press, YMCA Library Building, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110001.
'''Book Review by Vidya K. S.'''<br>
( Vidya is a research scholar at the Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, JNU )
[[File:Romping in numberland.png|450px]]
The discipline and practice of education has largely been circumscribed within discussions privileging its role and importance in the growth and development of a country’s social and economic status. Few studies have sought to examine its evolution and inter-disciplinary nature that finds its theoretical underpinnings in philosophy, sociology, economics, history and psychology. This book is a novel attempt to trace the trajectory of the sociology of education in post-independent India.
[[Sociology-Book-Review | Read More]]
{{Color-box|4|Learn Visual Programming|Turtle Blocks is a logo based programming environment for introducing students to the basics of programming.  
{{Color-box|6|Resources|'''National level'''
# [ National Curricular Framework for Teacher Education -NCFTE 2010]
# [ MHRD 12 Plan guidelines for Teacher Education]
# [ NCF 2005 Position Paper Teacher Education for Curriculum Renewal]
# [ BRC CRC Guidelines - Approaches to school support and improvement]
# [ Annual Work Plan format 2014-15 for Teacher Education]
# [ Detailed Project  Report for School Education MMP–Draft Copy]
We can use this to develop visualization, logical reasoning and algorithmic sense in students by performing various operations with the Turtle. This can help in the building of computational thinking and you can also introduce some geometry through this.  
[[Teacher Education Additional Resources | Read more]]
Click [ here] for a series of lessons on introducing Turtle Blocks.
'''Karnataka documents'''
# Final Karnataka Teacher Professional Development Policy - Findings & Recommendations - KJA [  Final-TPD-Policy]
# DIET AWP 2013-14 for Teacher Education (12 Plan) [[Teacher Education AWP 2013-14]]
# [  DIETs -Potential and Possibilities, 2007 - Report from a 2 day consultation from DQEP project, NIAS]
# [ Executive Summary and  Recommendations - Diet Evaluation Report Karnataka University 2006.odt]
[[Useful links for Teacher Education | Useful links for Teacher Education]]
{{Color-box|6|Math Teaser|
Find the [[Mathematics_fun_corner |Math Puzzles and Teasers]] here.
[ Strategic Framework for Teacher Education And Professional Development, Pakistan - UNESCO and USAID]
