Teachers Community of Learning Bangalore South Block 3 Maths Workshop 4 2014 15

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources

Experiences from Workshop 3

Outcomes from the workshop

  1. Critical discussions and understanding of the challenges and approaches for mathematics teaching
  2. Introduction to various strands of mathematical competencies and how they relate to high school mathematics.
  3. Samples of lesson plans developed in the workshop

Outcomes vs objectives of the workshop

  1. Teachers were appreciative of this session with conceptual discussions and not merely algorithms; however this did not necessarily translate into lesson plans/ transaction ideas
  2. Geogebra could not be attempted as planned
  3. Sample lesson plans could not be completed

Feedback from Workshop 3

  1. Workshop started late and hence limited time; Low attendance impacted the discussions
  2. Less hands on time for framing activities
  3. How to relate to class topics and teach is not clear
  4. Due to delay in the starting of the workshop (day of the preparatory examinations) , the demonstration lessons (Probability) could not be completed

Objectives of the fourth workshop and Agenda

  1. Geogebra use for Classroom transactions – use of sliders, animations and problem solutions
  2. Sharing the experiences and lesson outlines for building materials for a bridge course
  3. Sharing lesson plans for select class 10 topics (from KOER) and question papers/ assessment activities from the forum

Agenda for Workshop 4

Day 1
9.30 – 10.00 Agenda and introduction to workshop
10.00 – 1.00
  1. Demonstration of slider, text, animation in Geogebra
  2. Solve specific problems/ develop lessons and activities from Class 10

Quadratic Equations, Mensuration (Area), Co-ordinate Geometry, Trigonometry, Similar Triangles

  1. Show the Geogebra tutorials available for use
  2. Practice time for creating specific lessons
1.00 – 1.45 Lunch
1.45 – 5.00
  1. Continue Geogebra session
Day 2
9.00 – 10.30
  1. Assessment tests and findings
  2. Lesson plans and activities for bridge course (Jayanthi to facilitate)
10.30 – 1.00
  1. Demonstration of resources/ lesson plans (we can do 3-4)

Probability (Ranjani), Mensuration (Ranjani)?, Quadratic Equations (Guru?), Trigonometry (Ranjani) Statistics (Guru)

1.00 – 1.45 Lunch
1.45 – 4.45
  1. Sharing and review of resources from the forum – FA and SA question papers
  2. Feedback and closing
  3. Way forward and homework