Turtle art lesson 3

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Week 3 Simplifying programming – repeating instructions and blocks
  1. Demonstrate simplifying instructions; using repeat instructions/ loops to draw shapes#Visualize space, co-ordinates and shapes through movement and vice versa
  2. Visualizing the construction of a shape through a set of repeating instructions
  3. Taking inputs and executing instructions; assigning value to a variable, etc
  4. Demonstrate the logic of different repeating programming structures.
Hands-on Activity Activity #1 (Part A)

1.What was the answer to the previous question?
2.The turtle moved 8 times; how did we make the turtle do the action 8 times? (By clicking the start button)
3.Is there a way to give this instruction in a simpler way (encourage the class to think of a process being repeated multiple times)
4.Demonstrate the repeat command
5.We have repeated the command 8 times.
6.What are the other ways in which you would like to have the repeat command work? (When a condition is satisfied, for given input values)

Activity #1 (Part B)

1.What was the answer to the previous question? The answer is given below. 2.The answer can be found her https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/File:TurtleCard-2.png
How do we make the colours change continuously?

Hands-on Activity Activity #1

1.Draw any two different polygon with the repeat command. Students have to make a note of the number of repeat instructions and the instructions that are repeated