Digestion and Respiration
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Teaching Outlines
Concept #
Learning objectives
Notes for teachers
These are short notes that the teacher wants to share about the concept, any locally relevant information, specific instructions on what kind of methodology used and common misconceptions/mistakes.
- [Activity No 1]
carbondioxide is essential for photosynthesis
- Estimated Time
2 days
- Materials/ Resources needed
-Two potted plants
- KOH crystals/ soln
- NaHCO3
- Polythene cover (bag)
- Iodine soln
- Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
- Multimedia resources
{{#ev:youtube| lji6Zx3_E30| 400}}
- Website interactives/ links/ simulations
- Process (How to do the activity)
Take two potted plants which are kept in dark room for two days , mark one of pot as A and other as Bplace beaker containing KOH solution next to the plant A and beaker containing NaHCO3 solution next to plant B. cover both the pots separately by bell jars or polythene bags, take precaution such that air does not enter the polythene bags. Place both the potted plants side by side in a well lit room for about 48hrs. Test a few leaves of both the plants for starch.
- Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
- Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
- Question Corner
Activity No 2
observation of stomata
- Estimated Time
20 min
- Materials/ Resources needed
-Nerium leaf
- petridish
- Microscope
- Coverslip
- Stain
- Slides
- Blade (7o clock)
- Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
- Multimedia resources
{{#ev:youtube| NyIWaTz08Zw| 400}}
- Website interactives/ links/ simulations
- Process (How to do the activity)
Cut a thin section of nerium leaf along the midrib. Place the section in a petridish containing water place this leaf section on a microscope slide add a drop of water and cover the specimen with the help of a coverslip. Observe the slide under the microscope.
- Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
- Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
- Question Corner
Concept #
Learning objectives
Notes for teachers
These are short notes that the teacher wants to share about the concept, any locally relevant information, specific instructions on what kind of methodology used and common misconceptions/mistakes.
Activity No 3
release of oxygen during photosynthesis
- Estimated Time
2 days
- Materials/ Resources needed
- Water
- NaHCO3
- Test tubes
- Funnelsover
- Hydrilla plants
- Beakers (Large trough)
- Sun
- Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
- Multimedia resources
{{#ev:youtube| yg8vqsBOFMw | 400}}
- Website interactives/ links/ simulations
- Process (How to do the activity)
Take 2 troughs filled with water. Add a few crystals of sodium bicarbonate to both. Place hydrilla plants in both the troughsand invert large funnel sover them. Take two test tubes. Place some small pieces of wool into their bottoms. Fill the test tubes with water and invert them over the narrow ends of each of the funnel place one of the trough in a bright sunny area where as the other through in a dark cupboard for about 48hrs.
- Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
- Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
- Question Corner
Activity No #
- Estimated Time
- Materials/ Resources needed
- Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
- Multimedia resources
- Website interactives/ links/ simulations
- Process (How to do the activity)
- Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
- Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
- Question Corner
Project Ideas
Fun corner
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