Ten day ICT integration course BEd students

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This is an introductory ten day course for students in B.Ed programme. The objectives of this course are to introduce students to the possibilities of ICTs for their personal enrichment and professional development and building an awareness of the transformatory power of ICTs in the way social processes and structures are organized through various applications on the Internet. The course will also focus on the pedagogic possibilities of using ICTs and explore how technology can be integrated meaningfully in teaching learning practices.

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The course is organized into three units:

  1. Unit 1: Learning by connecting
  2. Unit 2: Creating using ICTs
  3. Unit 3: ICTs for teaching learning

Course content

Unit 1: Learning by connecting

Objectives of this course

  1. To develop capacities for interacting with each other; for upload and download of resources
  2. An awareness that ICTs allow connectivity possibilities, in multiple ways and hence multiple methods of interacting with one another for sharing, seeking and learning
  3. ICTs allow for easier and quicker access and sharing of information and resources


  1. Introduction to the Internet and information repositories on the Internet
  2. Working with a browser and navigation
  3. Downloading and organizing information; various formats of information, file folders, etc
  4. Basics of networking, connectivity, operating system, etc
  5. Emailing and mailing-list
  6. Email as a method learning; participation in forums

Unit 2: Creating resources with ICTs

Objectives of this course

  • To recognize that teachers are creators and not just consumers
  • Resources can be created using and combining different applications/ formats


  • Concept Mapping

KOER has resources for many topics in high school maths, science, social sciences. You can go to English or Kannada KOER and type - concept map (in the search bar on the left side below the map of Karnataka)or simply copy paste to your browser address bar, this link

    • You can see concept maps for many topics, in these subjects, you can also click and download them. You can open these downloaded concept maps in Freemind.
  • Typing and formatting text documents (local language typing)
  • Simple data analysis using spreadsheet s
  • Simple image editing using GIMP
  • Creating presentations and sharing
  • Creating image repositories (photo albums) and sharing

Unit 3: ICT in teaching learning

Objectives of this course

  • Possibilities in integrating ICTs in education
  • Integrating in teaching learning (another TLM at the teacher's disposal)
  • Creating TLMs using ICT tools


  • Introduction and use of Geogebra (Mathematics tools)
  • Introduction to PhET , Stellarium (Science tools)
  • Introduction to Open Street Map, Marble (Geography)
  • Model lesson plan developed integrating multiple tools and materials

Ten Day transaction plan

  1. Ten day transaction plan. Spread over a month, with self study days and assignment submissions.
  2. Participant information form
  3. See Participant information
  4. See mails in my subject forum

Lesson plan with Digital Resources

  1. Identify two topics, one in each of your subjects/methods.
  2. Based on your course learning, prepare your lesson plan, with digital resources included, such as
    1. concept map on topic
    2. relevant web pages/web sites/ portals
    3. videos
    4. images, photos, pictures
    5. audio clips
    6. presentation slides
  3. Access digital resources from the www, using a search engine and accessing useful sites (See KOER - Resources - Useful Websites for list of useful sites for each subject)
  4. Create your own digital resources, using a software applications for text editing, slide presentation, concept mapping, image editing etc
  5. Create your own digital resources, using a educational software applications for your subject
  6. Write the comments, ideas to organise the resources into a powerful and compelling lesson on your topic.


Assignment Information form , to be filled by each student. This form is for the faculty to know which student has submitted which assignment - by subject, by language. To download assessment document please click here
ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ನೋಡಲು ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ಕಿಸಿರಿ

Key objectives of the course

The key objectives of the course are:

  1. Understanding integration of digital technologies into education
    1. Learning various software tools, applications and digital methods towards developing such understanding
    2. Self-learning possibilities through accessing different materials on the internet
  2. Peer learning through collaborative communities of learning, facilitated by ICTs
    1. Learning to share, support and mentor
    2. Learning to seek help and guidance
  3. Creation of teaching-learning resources using ICTs and integration in teaching-learning
    1. accessing Internet and web based resources
    2. using text, image, video editors, concept mapping tools etc.
    3. using educational software applications

Requirements of Assignment

There will be two parts to the assignment:
1. Student resource library and lesson - 80 Marks
2. Participation in discussions (classroom and virtual forums) - 20 Marks

Component 1 of Assignment - Submission of Resource library / unit plan Total Marks : 80

Students are to do Internet research, combine resources in different formats to create relevant outputs, and create ICT integrated unit plans. This will be a cumulative assignment with three parts (the three parts largely corresponding to the three units of the course).

One of the topics submitted by the students will be assessed and graded across all three parts.

Part 1 – Internet search and evaluation of resources (linked to learning from Unit 1)
Part 2 – Creating ICT resources (linked to learning from Unit 2)
Part 3 – Developing ICT integrated unit plans and lesson plans (linked to learning from Unit 3)

Steps in submitting the assignment

1. Students should create a folder <student roll number> <name of student>. Inside the folder create two folders - <student roll number> <name of student> <topic name>. The entire folder created on the topic, including the various digital resources (audio files, video files, concept maps, presentation slides, educational tool based resources, web pages etc.) and the meta document (text file which has the unit plan, with links to the various resources down-loaded or on-line) will be shared on a pen drive with the faculty. Assignment can be submitted in English or in Kannada. Assignment should be submitted to the college on or before 5 p.m., February 2nd.

2. Students should take up and submit two topics (one from each of their methods). However, only one of the two topics (as offered / suggested by the student) will be assessed and graded.

3. Create a meta document of evaluation of resources. This document will continue through all the three parts. This is a text document that contains the unit plan with hyper-links to the resources collated. It will include web links, images as well as links to the other digital resources created / collated including mind map, videos, audio clips, images etc. This document will have following name - <student roll number> <name of student> <Name of topic>.odt

Part 1 – Internet search and evaluation of resources

4. Internet research and resource folder to be prepared, one folder for each topic
5. Create a document in which all the web resources are presented and evaluated. One document must be prepared for each topic
6. Make a concept map on each the topic being studied. Save the mind map in the topic folder and export an image and insert into the document.

The resources should be evaluated in the following format for each of the topics. Each of these items constitutes meta data.

Web Site name / address Relevance Accuracy Bias Variety of resources Free/ Membership/ Subscription Copyright Can it be used by a teacher?
Name of website 0-10; Give a rank and explain why 0-10 – Give a rank and explain why Bias – Yes/ No. Why?? (Audio, video, text, image) Membership details Is it Creative Commons or not? How useful is it for a teacher? In what stage of the teaching-learning process can this be used.

Below the table, the student should write a paragraph describing how the resources were useful

Grading Criteria for Part 1 - Marks : 25

  1. Minimum of 5 relevant web resources must be provided and discussed. This part corresponds to the learning from unit 1.
  2. How the meta data has been recorded in the note
  3. Ability to critically evaluate resources for self-learning as well as for teaching-learning, as evidenced in the comments made in the assignment on the resources and their use in the unit plan preparation
    1. Has the student identified parameters for evaluation of a resource?
    2. What are the criteria / weights for evaluation?
    3. Have the resources been evaluated?

Part 2 - Creating ICT resources

7. Image/ Photo Essay - This can be a story/ narrative/ description combining image and text. Images can be photographs (taken by student), freely available photographs from the internet and/ or sketches created. Avoid taking any “All rights reserved” Copyright images.
8. Video file – This can be images in a presentation and adding voice/ music and making a video or dubbing a video or adding a description and making a video from a simulation or a Geogebra file.

Grading Criteria for Part 2 Marks : 25

  1. Clarity and coherence of the resources
  2. Comprehensiveness of all resources put together to explain the topic
  3. Quality of text, mind map, image and video resources
  4. Presentation style as simple and effective
  5. Ease of understanding / simplicity of communication
  6. Complexity of the effort gone into
  7. Ability to combine multiple formats of resources – text/audio; text/image; etc
  8. Relevance and applicability of the resources

Part 3 – Developing an ICT integrated lesson plan

9. Development of a unit plan for a chosen topic integrating multiple tools to create a unit plan.

    • There has to be a curriculum analysis of what do I need to teach, what do I need to know and how do I teach it.
    • Determine the resources you would need for teaching-learning.

Grading Criteria for Part 3 Marks : 30

  1. Having a clear unit plan for teaching the topic,what resources and tools to be used when and in what manner
  2. How do ICT tools and resources fit into this?
  3. In what stages of learning process can you use ICTs – including evaluation?
  4. How can you integrate in a classroom in our current contexts?
  5. What learning is possible from ICT that was not possible without ICT? Why? This must be explained clearly.

Component 2 of Assignment - Participation in class and virtual forums: Total Marks : 20

  1. Participation in class discussions, sharing ideas/experiences,
  2. Volunteering for tasks/ responsibilities and helping peers.
  3. Quality of interactions on the email forum and evidence of collaboration and participation
    1. Number of emails
    2. Nature and content of emails
    3. Ability to participate and mentor a group (have they been asking questions/ responding)