Technology Integration for Inclusive Education 2022-23

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The objectives of the program are as follows:

1. Demonstrating integration of digital technologies to make the classroom an effective learning space for all children.

2. Building multi-level learning modules on select subjects for inclusive teaching-learning.

3. Capacity building of teachers and teacher educators to support inclusive teaching processes.

4. Support teachers in creating Open Educational Resources (OER) for their Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and for use in inclusive teaching-learning.

5. Enabling students to access digital technologies for learning.

6. Establish a teachers’ resource centre, to facilitate creation and sharing of resources for inclusive education.

Module Design and Development

The baseline created through the student assessment and by classroom observation will help in understanding the students contexts and needs, as well as the school culture and the classroom environment. This will help in the overall curriculum design. Specific modules will be designed and developed to help students with mild learning difficulties (MLD). The module design will be based on assessment and baseline conducted in select schools Through inclusive pedagogy and technology integration, these modules will be transacted in the 5 schools selected for continuous engagement. Each module will have activities/tasks at multiple levels to cater to the students in the classroom.

There will be 5 modules:

• the first module will include baseline activities

• three modules based on the subject specific learning activities and MLDs identified

• the last module will be for understanding the impact and student progress in learning.

Module 1

The baseline module will help teachers map and broadly understand the areas of learning difficulties in students and assist in developing further modules. It will be conducted through a ‘school camp’ where students spend time on activities working in pairs or individually and complete the given tasks. These tasks will be used as check points for teachers and facilitators to understand more about the levels of learning, cognitive skills and difficulties faced by students. (This module will be informed by discussions/orientation of the program team with experts/expert institutions).

Baseline Module

Module 2

Three subject specific (candidates – Mathematics, Science and English) modules will be developed using differentiated instruction that will benefit all students. The modules will consist of various activities with a focus on the mild learning difficulties identified through the assessment and baseline module. Each module will also aim to improve skills of students in one or more of the four domains of language learning – listening, speaking, reading and writing. An inclusive and integrated? Pedagogical approach will be adopted and will include hands-on activities like peer tutoring, voice recording and listening, digital story telling, picture story etc. The use of library activities and digital storytelling could help students cope with the fears of learning and communicating. This will also provide opportunities for peer interactions and make learning more inclusive due to use of a variety of media such as audio, video, pictures, etc. Some assessments will also be administered on a periodic basis as part of these modules to check students’ learning progress.

Module 3

The last module will be designed in such a way that teachers and facilitators can understand and document the impact of the three subject specific modules. It will also enable the implementation team to understand the impact of the intervention.