Circle as a shape

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources

A circle is the set of all points in the plane that are a fixed distance from a fixed point. 


Understanding circle as a shape

Estimated Time

30 minutes

Prerequisites/Instructions, prior preparations, if any

Prior knowledge of point, lines, angles, polygons

Materials/ Resources needed

  • Digital : Computer, geogebra application, projector.
  • Non digital : Worksheet and pencil
  • Geogebra files : Introduction to circles.ggb 

Download this geogebra file from this link.

Process (How to do the activity)

  • Draw circle with ‘circle with center and point’ or use the slider
  • What do you notice, how is the circle formed.
  • Which point is the centre of the circle ?
  • Plotting points on the circle, connect these points to the centre of the circle.
  • What can you say about the segment lengths?
  • Measure the segment lengths to show they are equal.
  • Establish center of the circle’ and ‘radius’
  • Differentiate between circle and region enclosed by a circle.
  • Evaluation:
  1. By what parameter is the size of a circle defined ?
  2. Bigger the radius, _____________
  3. How do you name a circle ?
  4. Can you draw a circle without knowing the radius ?


File:Circles-introduction Worksheet.pdf