Construction of a triangle with two angles and included side

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources


  • To construct a triangle given two sides and an angles
  • To understand the given angle should be included angle when two sides are given

Estimated Time

20 minutes

Download this geogebra file from this link.

Download this geogebra file from this link.

Prerequisites/Instructions, prior preparations, if any

Prior understanding of point, lines and angles, elements of triangle, properties of triangle

Materials/ Resources needed

Process (How to do the activity)

  • For given 2 angles, if the angles add to 180o, can you construct the triangle?
  • Is it possible to construct a triangle with only 2 given angles. What is the other parameter required for construction.
  • If any one side is specified, along with 2 angles how many triangles are possible.
  • If the side given is an included side, how many triangles are possible.

Evaluation at the end of the activity

  • Why should the given side be included side?
  • For the given A, A and S are the triangles AAS,  ASA and SAA congruent triangles.