Digital Literacy capacity building workshop for Blore south2 CRPs, BRPs and ECOs - November 2022

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources

The workshop is scheduled for February 7th at the Vijaya Teachers College computer lab (Exact location:

Objectives of the workshop

  1. Introducing Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) to BRPs/CRPs and ECOs
  2. Introducing about Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and Open Educational Resources (OER)
  3. Introducing to use digital tools to collect and analyses the data using FOSS
  4. Introducing the BigBlueButton (BBB) webinar platform to use it for online teachers meetings and training programs

Agenda of the workshop

Sessions Particulars Activities Session Resources
10.30 to 11.00 Introduction to workshop
  1. Introduction to the workshop
  2. Brief introduction about IT for Change work
  3. Sharing of participant expectations
  4. What is FOSS? Why FOSS in education?
11.00 to 12.00 Accessing OER resources
  1. Introduction to the program
  2. Accessing images resources from the web
  3. What is OER? Explain different resource licenses
  4. Accessing and downloading OER resources (Image, text, video, and audio)
  1. What is OER?
  2. OER Resources
  3. Text OER
12.00 to 12.45 Creating text resources
  1. creating a text document using bilingual
  2. Formatting a text document and using table, paragraph styles,
  3. Page formatting and image formatting
  4. Saving documents in different formats
LibreOffice writer handout
12.45 to 1.30 Using google drive and the form data collection

and storage

  1. Go through Google Drive - to save and share all your files on the cloud
  2. Creating and sharing a Google Form to collect data
  3. Viewing responses as a summary (both individual and group responses)
  4. Exporting responses in a spreadsheet.
  1. Google drive handout and
  2. Google form handout
1.30 to 2.15 LUNCH
2.15 to 3.30 Using spreadsheet to record data and analysing it
  1. Understanding the spreadsheet interface
  2. Entering data in a spreadsheet and saving spreadsheet
  3. Inserting, Renaming, and Deleting Worksheets
  4. Formatting spreadsheet to make data more readable
  5. Basic formula and using Pivot table to analyse data
  1. LibreOffice Calc handout
3.45 to 4.15 Exploring mobile apps and settings
  1. Setting up WhatsApp and about group settings, broadcast
  2. Using mobile browser features - quickly access to the resources
  3. Using file manager and other apps to organise data
4.15 to 5.00 Use webinar FOSS tool to conduct online classes
  1. Why BigBlueButton (BBB) tool?
  2. Use BBB as a student to understand the platform
  3. Create classroom links and share to conduct online classes/webinar meetings
  4. Use BBB as a teacher and familiar with all the features
  5. Use “BigBlueButton” FOSS webinar platform to interact in the virtual classroom
BigBlueButton handout


Video tutorials

  1. Getting comfortable to use Mozilla firefox
  2. LibreOffice Calc (to work with spreadsheets)
  3. LibreOffice writer (to create word document)
  4. Video tutorials on other FOSS tools
  5. What is copyright and what is OER

Additional resources

  1. Why OER?
  2. Importance of FOSS in education
  3. Teachers' toolkit for creating and re-purposing OER using FOSS
  4. Buy your own laptop
  5. Useful websites

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