Electromagnetic induction introduction to electromagnetic induction activity 1
From Karnataka Open Educational Resources
Activity No # 1 - To check the properties of the magnets
Estimated Time
20 minutes
Materials/ Resources needed
- Magnets
- Magnetic needles with stand
- Mariner's compass
Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
Multimedia resources
Website interactives/ links/ simulations
Goto Magnet & electromagnets simulations
Process (How to do the activity)
Give the magnets to students and check the properties of magnets. Ask the students properties of magnets. Give two magnets and a magnetic needle to students group (4-5students). Tell check the properties of magnets.
Ask magnetic lines of force using phet tool of magnets and electromagnet.
Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
- What is magnet?
- Is magnet attracts all materials?
- What we say the material which are attracted by magnet?
- If not attracted by magnet?
- In which direction bar magnet rest when freely suspended it. or magnetic needle or Mariner's compass.
- Identify the north and south poles of magnet.
- Does every magnet have a north and south pole?
- Is north-north or south-south attracted?
- Is north-south repelled?
- What happened when kept the bar magnet near the magnetic needle or mariner's compass?
- What happens when we break a magnet in half?
- Can you break off just the north (or just the south) end of a magnet?
- What is the strongest pole?
Evaluation (Questions)
- If a magnetic needle placed along the north and south pole of a bar magnet as shown in the figure, what is the polarity of the a b c and d. mark 2
- Pole of a ________ *pole of b _______
- Pole of c _________ *Pole of d _________
- You are in ship at night & have a bar magnet. How do you recognize the east and west direction?
- Iron feelings are mix with tea powder? How to separate it quickly?
- Get a ring-shaped magnet and break it with pliers or a tap with a hammer. Try to put it back together. What happens? Why?
Question Corner
- List the properties of magnet.
- Why magnetic needle or marine's compass always shows north south direction?
- What are magnetic lines of force?
- What are the properties of the magnetic lines of force?
- Draw the direction of magnetic lines of force of a bar magnet.
- What are the different types of magnets available?
- What is magnetite?
- How does a compass work?
- Who first used a compass?
- What are some uses of magnets?
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