Maths: From the forum

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources
Revision as of 06:38, 8 January 2013 by Bindu (talk | contribs)

Which day is Pi Day ?

Mary Shyla, GMPS Begur Which day is Pi Day ?

Sneha Titus, University Resource Centre, Azim Premji University March 14 is called Pi Day (3-14) The date is in American format For more information you could check out [[1]] Incidentally June 28 (6-28) is called 2 pi day!

Enjoy this Maths Teaser

Sriranjani Ranganathan, IT for Change

File:Cartoon in Forum.png:500px

Teachers Response Let a=x


2a-2x = a+x-2x

2(a-x)= a-x divide bothsides by a-x


Bindu Thirumalai IT for Change You have said that let a=x in step 1. Therefore this step 2(a-x)= a-x divide both sides by a-x is not possible because a-x = 0 and you cannot divide by zero, its undefined.