Resource Creation Checklist

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Resource Creation Checklist

This is a checklist for resource creators to use when submitting content.

New topic addition

1. If you are submitting a new topic, have you completed a mind map for the topic you have chosen with the unit outline?

Meta data for weblinks

If you are giving web links, please add the following information below the website link?
2. What is the website?
3. What information does it contain? 4. Is it useful for teachers or students?
5. Have you verified the information by checking additional websites (you should check atleast three websites on the same idea).

Copyright information

6. If you are using any book, page, presentation, simulation, image or video, please add the source.
7. If any of the above resources are already on the web, please give web link only, we need not upload it again on KOER.


7. Have you given all the information in the template for activities suggested?
8. If you are sharing an activity done by some one else, please indicate if you have their permission to share.