Surds definition of surds activity1
From Karnataka Open Educational Resources
Activity-1: Recognise surds
Estimated Time
Half an hour
Materials/ Resources needed
Teachers give examples for rational root of rational numbers, irrational root of irrational number and irrational root of rational number.
Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
Should know rational number and irrational number.
Multimedia resources
Websites and wikipedia
Website interactives/ links/ simulations/ Geogebra Applets
Process (How to do the activity)
Give students some numbers having square root, cube root etc. and ask to simplify them. catagorise the numbers
- Rational root of rational number
- Irrational root of irrational number
- Irrational root of rational number, and defined the number.
Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
- Which one of the following is not a surd, Give reason.
- Define surd
Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
- Identify rational number and irrational number
- Define surd
- Identify the surd
Question Corner
Activity Keywords
To link back to the concept page Surds