Teachers Community of Learning Bangalore South Block 3 Maths Workshop 2 2014 15

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Workshop II

Date :August 1, 2014

Experiences from Workshop 1

Outcomes from the workshop

  1. Introduction to block level programme and the STF
  2. Introduction to Geogebra
  3. Problem solving discussions and strategies – an introduction
  4. A small group of interested teachers actively engaged in KOER resource creation
  5. An understanding of where conceptual gaps exist for children through examples of problems

Outcomes vs objectives of the workshop

  1. Teachers were introduced to the block level programme
  2. Introduction to ICT skills and KOER was limited – KOER was limited to demonstration of textbooks
  3. There was a lesson based introduction to Geogebra but limited practice time
  4. The problem solving discussion was felt to be useful by most teachers but extending it and integrating with classroom lessons is a challenge

Feedback from Workshop 1

  1. More practice time with Geogebra/ hands-on activities
  2. Demonstration of model lessons for 40-minute periods

Objectives of the second workshop and Agenda

  1. Support development of materials and lessons for mathematics competencies (bridge course materials)
  2. Demonstration of a unit plan with 40 minute lessons
  3. Geogebra introduction and use
  4. Compilation of Formative Assessment activities for FA1 and FA2

Agenda for Workshop 2

9.30 – 10.00 Homework discussion and share agenda
10.00 – 1.00
  • Demonstration of slider, text, animation in Geogebra
  • Construct/ animate alongwith lesson questions
  • Show the Geogebra tutorials available for use
  • Practice time for creating specific lessons
1.45 – 4.45
  • Unit plan of Polynomials (demonstration of multiple resources)
  • Discussions on finalizing lesson plans and FA activities – FA 1 – Polynomials and Set Theory
  • Practice time with Geogebra/ internet
4.45 – 5.00
  • Feedback and closing
  • Way forward and homework