Teachers Community of Learning Bangalore South Block 3 Maths programme

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources

The TCOL program attempts to demonstrate how technology can support the improvement of educational outcomes at a school level through a community of learning approach. The program attempts to build communities at multiple levels - within the school, across different subject teachers, and across the schools in the Bengaluru South 3 block.

This is the third phase of the program, working with government aided schools in Bengaluru South 3 block. The program attempts to expand and deepen the work done in the second phase TCOL from 2014-17 which had focused on government high schools.

The program will work with a sustained focus on teacher professional development, school and classroom processes development as well as on overall school development, which integrates the use of technology in meaningful and sustainable ways.

Objectives of the mathematics program

  1. To support teacher capabilities for improving mathematics teaching learning
    1. To demonstrate methods of T-L that support mathematical thinking and ability
    2. Building problem solving and critical thinking
    3. Making mathematics relevant by making the students engage with mathematics
    4. Making the classroom inclusive
    5. Building mathematical competences for higher education in mathematics
  2. To develop curricular materials for supporting teaching learning and uploading on KOER
  3. To develop curricular materials for supporting teacher professional development on
  4. To deepen a techno-pedagogic understanding in mathematics teaching learning
  5. To build a community of learning for sustained and continuous teacher professional development through sharing experiences, ideas and best practices

Program strategies

The program will adopt multiple strategies towards the attainment of these objectives. Some of the strategies include:

Teacher capacity building (blended mode)

  1. Teacher workshops for learning new ideas, tools and methods in mathematics teaching learning
  2. Supporting teachers in resource creation
  3. Supporting teachers to participate, learn share and mentor in online forums - email groups and Telegram groups
  4. Online courses for continuous learning
  5. Periodic resource sharing with teachers through KOER

Teacher capacity building (in classroom)

  1. Demonstration in classroom - team teaching using a variety of resources
  2. Developing projects for students, teachers that are collaborative and inter disciplinary
  3. Working with the ICT lab with educational tools
  4. Designing formative assessments with hands-on activities
  5. Designing summative assessments with a focus on critical thinking/ problem solving

Teacher sharing learning in workshops, through online forums

Teacher capacity building through resource creation

link the block and school work

  1. Teacher workshops periodically supported by online interactions and interventions in selected schools with focus on (i) strengthening teacher content knowledge and problem solving skills, (ii) engaging with different methods of teaching learning and assessments and (iii) use of technology for mathematics teaching learning
  2. Sharing of school based experiences and interventions on improving mathematics learning levels across Class 8 – 10
  3. Maths events across schools - melas, talks, quizzes
  4. Workshops and/or online courses for learning Geogebra and Turtle Art
  5. Teacher courses / Study circles
  6. Reflective writing and sharing by teachers on experiences of mathematics teaching
  7. Interact with external resource persons in the field of mathematics education
  8. 3 workshops planned in the first term at monthly intervals in the first term.

TCOL Phase 3 (2018-21)- workshop Details

September 6-7 2018 Introductory algebra module Using spreadsheets for math teaching

Making sketches for textbook problems in Geogebra

More Geogebra learning

October 4-5, 2018 Programming with Turtle blocks Developing assessment Q papers and activities

Using ICT for assessments

Using Geogebra for assessments

Understanding TPCK framework in mathematics teaching

November 21 - 22, 2018 Project based approaches in mathematics Role of language in mathematics learning

Reflective sharing of teacher practices

January 3-4, 2019 Setting up of a math lab Conceptual explorations in select math topics

Developing assessments using ICT

Reflective sharing of teacher practices


  1. 2014-15 Workshop 1, August 1, 2 2018

TCOL Phase 2 (2014-17) - workshop Details


  1. 2014-15 Workshop 1, June 19, 2014
  2. 2014-15 Workshop 2, August 1, 2014
  3. 2014-15 Workshop 3, September 22, 2014
  4. 2014-15 Workshop 4, December 17, 18, 2014


  1. 2015-16 Workshop 1, July 15-16, 2015
  2. 2015-16 Workshop 2, November 19-20, 2015


  1. 2016-17 Workshop 1, November 8-9,2016