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==== School as a community space for Vidyagama ====
==== School as a community space for Vidyagama ====
While community spaces will need to be identified, the school itself is the first choice for such a community space - as it would score high on student safety as well as hygiene. Limited school opening with adequate safeguards is an option to be explored, considering multile factors to ensure safety and learning. Staggering classes, regrouping classes into smaller cohorts, combining in-school and out-of-school activities, with support from community facilitators are some strategies to start out with.  
While community spaces will need to be identified, the school itself is the first choice for such a community space - as it would score high on student safety as well as hygiene. Limited school opening with adequate safeguards is an option to be explored, considering multiple factors to ensure safety and learning. Staggering classes, regrouping classes into smaller cohorts, combining in-school and out-of-school activities, with support from community facilitators are some strategies to start out with.
===== School attendance and class organization =====
# Develop a flexible timetable that will allow teachers to meet students in smaller cohorts on fewer days. For example, a third of students of a class cab attend on two specific days of the week and this will cover the entire set of students over the six day week.
# Schedule the classes for the cohorts in such a manner that there is a period of contact and then there is a period of no contact (so the two chosen days should have a gap of 2/3 days)
# Initially have classes for only a few hours, but gradually increase the hours of school
# Begin with higher grades in the school and then move towards LPS after processes stabilize
# Develop clear guidelines for managing the situation when any student shows any of the symptoms of COVID, in consultation with public health experts
# School operations and logistics to be determined at block and cluster levels based on the infection spread reported at the ward/panchayat and  taluka levels
===== Appropriate curriculum and processes =====
# Develop a health and safety curriculum which emphasizes health and preventive measures for students, teachers and parents
# Include community education within the school curriculum focusing on creating awareness about tracking infection, helping report infection and manage the community-level containment with parents and students (high school). This can also tie into the COVID related responsibilities assigned to schools and teachers
# Focus on supporting the students’ development of basic skills of literacy and numeracy, this is likely to be a critical requirement for academic performance, especially given the long gap in school interactions. (This is especially true for younger children and this can potentially be linked with the anganwadis for a community-supported initiative. This will also be necessary for children whose families may have migrated during the lock-down)
# Learning activities, though designed in accordance with the syllabus, should not be restricted to transmitting content. Rather, they should be based on building skills necessary and relevant in the current context. These activities should combine self-learning and creation with collaborative learning (within the students’ own physical contexts as well as with the teacher), and allow possibilities for sharing between students and teachers. Small group lectures and one-on-one interactions with students for follow-up and guidance should be encouraged. This model can be used in a purely online format (currently at the time of lock-down) as well as be integrated with physical classes when schools reopen in a phased manner.
# Design project-based work for the students that will allow them to explore, investigate processes, phenomena around them and also build skills of questioning, investigating, analysis and presentation. These can be linked to specific chapters from the textbook as well. The projects would allow the students to work individually, with people who they have access to as with the teachers.
# Develop lots of hands-on activities that can be completed with easily available and / or low cost materials that students can source. Identify and create appropriate resources – both digital and non-digital – that can be shared with students with the least demand of infrastructure. Specific examples of resources need to be developed based on the age of the topics and the age of the students. This is being seperately discussed for each subject
# Integrate “non-academic” activities into the learning program. This could include art, craft and music and wherever possible these can be completed with the support of volunteers from the community.  
Instead of subject-based instruction for large groups of students, smaller groups of students meeting for lesser hours in school needs to be an option to be seriously considered.  
Instead of subject-based instruction for large groups of students, smaller groups of students meeting for lesser hours in school needs to be an option to be seriously considered.  
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====Academic support system ====
====Academic support system ====
The DIETs, BRCs and CRCs need to be facilitated to provide ongoing support to the schools and teachers. The pandemic has repeatedly proven the principle that centralized approaches will not work, as local solutions have to be imagined by schools/ teachers. Hence the support from the school system has to be guidelines and encouraging the autonomous design of responses of the schools. Heavy-handed fiats will be counterproductive.
The DIETs, BRCs and CRCs need to be facilitated to provide ongoing support to the schools and teachers. The pandemic has repeatedly proven the principle that centralized approaches will not work, as local solutions have to be imagined by schools/ teachers. Hence the support from the school system has to be guidelines and encouraging the autonomous design of responses of the schools. Heavy-handed fiats will be counterproductive.
The academic support system can support schools in the following aspects
# Develop broadcast/ pre-recorded educational materials, which can be used in both state-wide Television, as well as local cable channels. Such progams must keep in mind children’s overall development and not be a digital recreation of the text. The contents must encourage children to learn through games and daily routine activities that foster positive interaction with their parents, siblings and family members, as they spend the most time, indoors, staying safe against COVID infection. Subject experts can guide in developing age appropriate content for such materials. In the ‘learning from home’ context, parents need to be given an important role in supporting their children’s learning.
# Develop a module for students to understand internet safety and the responsible ways of using online forums as well as the rules and etiquette for online forums. Children are highly vulnerable to addictive internet use and online abuse and the curriculum in the current context must address this and prepare them with tools and resources. The younger the person, the more the potential for harm. The MHRD guidelines have suggested minimal screen time for students, based on the grade.
===== Community support system =====
# Establish community-level learning centres that can be anchored by volunteers from the community who can support and extend the in-school activities for the children, especially for those who have had to migrate during the lock-down
# Liaise with the community level health centres for basic preventive healthcare, especially for younger children (immunizations, etc)
==== School grants ====
==== School grants ====


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