Telangana Teacher Training Programme for Technology Integration 2015 16

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources

About STF Telangana

The Telangana State Education department has decided to undertake a teacher training programme for mathematics and science teachers to build a community of teachers for peer learning and sharing resources. Towards this purpose, a group of Master Resource Person are being trained who will be able to conduct training across the districts.

Overview of the programme

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Objectives of the programme

  1. Build a PLC for teachers for peer learning and sharing
  2. Demonstrate a model of inservice teacher education
  3. Creation of a Free and Open environment for technology in education
  4. Demonstrate constructvistic possibilites of teaching learing through the use of ICTs
  5. Build capabilities in teachers for connecting and creating using ICTs
  6. Build capabilities for ICT integration in teaching learning
  7. Integrate with the curricular objectives and priorities of the state
  8. Develop an independent programme for successful district-wide teacher training


The STF programme is premised on the idea that teachers need to leverage technology by connecting and creating for self learning and peer learning. Emphasizing a free and open environment and the creation of a resource rich environment through collaborative resource creation, the programme is focused on building teacher capabilities for evaluating technology choices.

Accordingly the curriculum has the following strands:

  1. Technology for connecting and learning - Technology allows for possibilities for connecting and learning through emails, accessing the Internet and through the creation of personal digital libraries. Teachers will be introduced to online repositories, Open Educational Resources and issues of copy right; they will also learn how to evaluate internet based information.
  2. Technology for creating resources using various free and open source software applications
  3. Technology for teaching learning - This will focus on integrating technology into the teaching learning process and will include an analysis of what to teach, how to teach and how to use various tools; this will also include a critical look at how technology can enhance the teaching learning process.

Skills covered

  1. A free and open source environment - Ubuntu interface and folder structure
  2. Browsing and downloading resources and creating a personal digital library
  3. Emailing and collaborating in a virtual forum
  4. Text editing, mind mapping
  5. Combining multiple formats to make a resource (text, image)
  6. Using various educational tools to create resources
  7. Working with spreadsheets
  8. Video making and editing

Day-wise Handouts

Day 1

  1. Agenda
  2. Participant Information Form
  3. View the participant information
  4. Importance of Free and Open Source Environment
  5. Circulars on adopting Public (Free and Open Source) Software
  6. Ubuntu
  7. Creation of a personal digital library
    1. Internet – a new method of learning
    2. Note_on_Internet_access
    3. How to access the internet
    4. How to create a Personal Digital Library
  8. Using a text editor

Day 2

  1. Emailing
  2. Geogebra
  3. Text editing
  4. Combining images and text

See here for videos on Ubuntu, Libre Office, GIMP, Geogebra

Day 3

  1. Geogebra
  2. Emailing
  3. Text editing

Day 4

  1. Emailing
  2. Geogebra
  3. Advanced text document formatting
  4. Combining images and text

Day 5

  1. Emailing
  2. Geogebra
  3. Advanced text document formatting
  4. Combining images and text