Transport system of india

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ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ನೋಡಿ

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Key Idea #1

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  2. Activity No #2 Concept Name - Activity No.

Key Idea #2

What are the key ideas to be covered

Learning objectives

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  2. Activity No #2 Concept Name - Activity No.

Key Idea #3

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  2. Activity No #2 Concept Name - Activity No.

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Textbook Feedback

Please add below suggestions/ errors in the textbook.

The chapter does not discuss Indian Railways, which is the largest railway network in the world. Indian Railways is the worlds ninth largest employer. In 2013-14, IR carried 8,425 million passengers annually or more than 23 million passengers daily (roughly half of which were suburban passengers (source Wikipedia)

The chapter contains useful information, it can add 'understanding/application' ideas with the content. For eg. instead of mentioning that 'Bombay port is called the Gateway of India', we can discuss why Bombay port is called the Gateway of India? (Since it is an important port and a natural harbour through which there was a significant movement of people as well as goods for several hundred years, it is called the Gateway of India. There is also a small arch constructed near the harbour, which is called the Gateway of India
