Objectives: The participants will be able to
understand the importance of listening and speaking in language acquisition process
understand the need for effective communication and hence develop awareness about the skills and strategies involved
engage in conversation intelligibly with minimum errors
use English accurately, appropriately and fluently in different situations (academic, social and professional).
familiarize themselves with the 44 sounds of English and their symbols
refer to phonetic dictionary and self monitor their pronunciation
involve themselves in language activities for mastery over the language (spoken in particular)
serve as good models for students so that they can learn from their examples (spoken English)
devise different tasks / methods to enhance their learners’ communication skills.
Module 2: Language Use Objectives:
To enable the participants to
understand the inter relationship between form, function and meaning.
gain an insight into the rules of English grammar in an integrated manner.
acquire the knowledge and skills needed to present English grammar to students without taking recourse to traditional methods that involve rules.
undertake reference work to gain an in-depth understanding of the nuances of use and usage of the grammar elements in the syllabus.
apply the knowledge acquired to understand the teaching learning materials that they use.
Module 3: Reading and Writing Objectives:
To enable the participants to:
understand the skills, processes and strategies involved in reading different text types
read a variety of authentic and academic texts
read and appreciate a range of poems, short stories, plays, novels and non-literary writings consisting of factual and discursive passages.
understand the difference between literary and non-literary writings in terms of purpose, style, language, form / format, special linguistic devices etc.
devise innovative activities and tasks to teach poetry, prose and drama in an interesting manner. understand the place of literature in the English language classroom.
frame comprehension questions and prepare meaningful assignments to assess the students’ reading skills.
understand the processes involved in writing a variety of text types
write academic, communicative and creative pieces of writing
devise ways and means to develop writing skills among students.
Module 4: Approaches and methods Objectives:
To help the participants to:
gain an insight into the context and background of second language teaching
develop an understanding of the nature of language and language learning
get an overall view of the various methodologies / techniques and strategies of teaching of English and to evaluate them with reference to the needs of the students and their own working situations.
gain an understanding of curriculum / syllabus, materials and evaluation procedures particularly with reference to the practices in force in their own schools.
design enrichment materials to supplement and complement the teaching learning materials in use. prepare assessment tools that are based on continuous and comprehensive evaluation
undertake practice teaching sessions to hone their skills and improve their professional competence in the effective delivery of the curriculum.
participate in workshops, seminars and group discussions in order to devise ways to incorporate innovative interactive strategies in their teaching such as language games, role plays, simulations, brainstorming sessions and other tasks that will involve students in active participation using the target language.
gain the skills required for integrating technology with their teaching practices
Module 5: Teacher Development, trainer skills Objectives:
To develop among the participants:
a. the ability to observe and reflect in a structured way on their classroom practice.
b. the ability to modify their teaching strategies in the light of self-evaluation.
c. an orientation towards autonomous learning which will enable them to undertake sustained independent academic work.
d. a professional perspective that enables them to locate their teaching in the wider context of the school, the community and the nation and to reflect on, discuss and evaluate the growing and changing needs of English language education.
e. the ability to acquire specific trainer skills in order to further their professional growth as trainers and resource persons.
f. the competence to develop modules and design training courses and to implement them in an effective manner.
g. the ability to harness teachers individual and collective knowledge and skills, and help them to co-operate more effectively with each other as well as to join forces with other participants in the educational system.
h. The ability to carry out small-scale research studies
i. confidence, self- esteem and belief in their own ability to improve the effectiveness of their
Module 6: Testing and evaluation Objectives:
♦ To help them assess language performance in meaningful ways
♦ To develop the skills of constructing test items on listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary
♦ To help them carry out classroom-based evaluation
- Teacher: Suman Bandi
- Teacher: Prem Kumar C
- Teacher: Dr Hitesh C Bhakat
- Teacher: Dr. Ravinarayan Chakrakodi
- Teacher: Pooja Giri
- Teacher: Gopalakrishna HN
- Teacher: Rakesh ITfC
- Teacher: Raghavendra K
- Teacher: Gurumurthy Kasinathan
- Teacher: Kishor KS
- Teacher: Dr. Kumaraswamy
- Teacher: Bhagya lakshmi
- Teacher: Jayanthi M V
- Teacher: Harish P
- Teacher: Padmashree R P
- Teacher: Dr. Uzma S. Raheel
- Teacher: Dr. Gururaj S
- Teacher: Shiva prasad S
- Teacher: Manjula T
- Teacher: Abhilash YG