Development Human development activity1
Activity - Human development aspects
Discussion on the different aspects/factors that constitute human development (going beyond mere increase in national income)
Estimated Time
one period
Materials/ Resources needed
Reading materials (including web links mentioned here) as an input to discussions
Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
Allow students to bring up ideas for why India is seen as being 'under developed', and build on them. Encourage all students to participate Encourage debate in the Indian context of different facets of 'human development'. Prof Amartya Sen, a Nobel prize winner has written about human development, share his ideas.
Multimedia resources
Short Video explaining how many countries have developed on important social indicators - women's empowerment, education, health over last few decades. Can give a quick feel of the development status across developing countries
Website interactives/ links/ simulations/ Geogebra Applets
Useful videos
What is HDI, includes interview with Prof Haq, inventor of the concept
Process (How to do the activity)
Open ended discussion, with teacher probing and adding ideas and questions
Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
Question Corner
Activity Keywords
To link back to the concept page Development